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Re: The Cell in a PC?

____/ thad05 on Thursday 22 November 2007 19:24 : \____

> Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Is anyone aware of the Cell processor being available on PC motherboard?
>> I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm lusting for such a beast...
> You could buy a PS3 and related dev tools, but I have not heard of
> any PC boards with it.  Of course even on the PS3 they lock out the
> 3D rendering features from being used by the open developers (at
> least last I heard).  Still, just playing around with the basic
> cell architecture is tempting enough.

It seems like progress is being made by tinkerers and access to 3D rendering
(e.g. for Yellow Dog Linux) is only a matter of time. This is already done in
some rendering farms, but the system is not truly open.

The security mechanisms of the XBox360 were already breached to enable simple
installation of Linux. That's despite the fact that Microsoft bragged about
the unit's invulnerability.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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