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[News] New Versions of the GIMP and Jitterbit Released

  • Subject: [News] New Versions of the GIMP and Jitterbit Released
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 23:37:14 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
GIMP 2.4.2 Released2007-11-21 

,----[ Quote ]
| Three weeks later enough bug-fixes have piled up to warrant another bug-fix 
| release in the stable GIMP 2.4 series. 


Jitterbit Announces Major Upgrades to its Open Source Integration Platform

,----[ Quote ]
| Jitterbit has released version 1.3 of their open source integration software. 
| Jitterbit 1.3 is a major release that significantly improves the overall 
| architecture for enterprise companies and the overall user experience.  



GIMP 2.4 preview

,----[ Quote ]
| Fedora 8 test releases have a surprise for all users interested in graphics: 
| a release candidate for the new GIMP 2.4, meaning the final version will get 
| the stable GIMP 2.41. This is exciting news, as the previous major release, 
| GIMP 2.2, is several years old, and a lot of new features were added in the 
| meantime.    


GIMP 2.4.0 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| GIMP 2.4.0 is so new that their website hasn't been updated yet, but if you 
| check out the GIMP FTP it is available for download as of October 23. 



GIMP tricks: Snooker ball as a pseudo 3d object

,----[ Quote ]
| I don’t really remeber when and where, but once I have read that GIMP isn’t 
| suitable for pseudo 3D graphics. Nothing more fallible! I will try to prove 
| it wrong.  


GIMP UI brainstorm

,----[ Quote ]
| This is a visual brainstorm, the channel for everybody to contribute to the 
| GIMP UI redesign process. It is moderated by the GIMP UI redesign team. We do 
| not post mock-ups here ourselves, we ‘listen’ to what you show us and broaden 
| our horizons.   


Gimp 2.3 (preview of 2.4) 

,----[ Quote ]
| The major change for this release seems to be a big usability 
| overhaul. New defaults are now in place that make the Gimp look 
| a little bit like Photoshop, but still has many features that 
| make it unique.


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