Massive scale installation and management tools for Debian GNU / Linux (part 1)
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| You have 5,000 or 50,000 machines to install and manage across the country,
| at a thousand distant locations into your enterprise.
| Such massive GNU / Linux installation and management for corporations needs
| suitable tools or become a nightmare.
| Debian GNU / Linux has some options, that can even be used for other
| distributions.
| It evolved its tools since 1993 to ease the sysadmin work.
An evolutionary change to the Debian source package format
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| I look at this as very much of an evolutionary change, not a revolutionary
| change, to the debian source format. Most packages will continue to
| use .diff.gz for a long while, but packages whose maintainers chafe under
| that format will have another one to choose from.
75 minutes to close a bug
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| Today at 11:04am (GMT, or Greenwich Time), Debian developer Erich Schubert
| reported about a bug in Serendipity. According to his blog, it took him 10
| minutes to close it, and he reported it to the guys over at Serendipity.
| And at 12:09pm (GMT), another Debian developer named Thijs Kinkhorst had
| uploaded a corrected version from upstream to Debian unstable, and he already
| found out that Sarge and Etch were not affected.
Debian Project Leader Election 2007 Results
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| The winner of the election is Sam Hocevar.
| I would like to thank all the candidates for their service to
| the project, for standing for the post of project leader, and for
| offering the developers a strong and viable group of candidates.
| Finally, I would like to congratulate Sam Hocevar, the
| Project Leader-elect, for his success.