High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> There are only two poasters left in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>>> while Roy and his nyms are on vacation.
>>> * Peter Kohlmann and his hundreds of nyms.
>>> * flatfish aka me and my other hundreds of nyms, so what's
>>> the point in continuing?
>> Oh goody, I'm a sockpuppet now... Wondered why I was sitting
>> so uncomfortably.
> It is Clogwog, AKA Peer Geilzeever, Nicodemus Kwaadenkloot, Gozewienus
> Smegmasmuller, Arsene van Tiethuysen, Deodatus Kuttenvanger, Olivier
> Anusjager, Quirinus Pukkelpenis, Gradus Kanusmans, Berend van het
> Aarshouweel, Driekus van 't Lullenhof, Derk den Klotsoksel, Hentje
> Kotskameel, Arie Drollenboer, Wullum Droogkloot, Peer van der
> Berigheid, Arend Keuvelklier, Marinus Pielrukker, Karel
> Klootendraaier, Dingeman Sneerbakkus, Kobus Binnenaars, Manus
> Simpelcont, Jodocus Uytbuicker, Arsene den Rode-Apenkontjager,
> Desederius van der Keutelenhof, Querinus van der Tiethuyzen, Gezinus
> den Sluitspierbeul, Dingeman Sneerbakkus .... and many others.
Another fine advocacy post from Rafael otherwise known as
High Plains Thumper, I am a dork and "I Luv Roy".
You will be surprised by a loud noise.