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Re: what we are about

____/ Gene Jones on Saturday 06 October 2007 20:47 : \____

> Dean Plude <xenophed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> In my many years using linux I have come to know that to truly support
>> and promote linux as I did with brunswick and many others is simply show
>> large companies that there are choices in an OS and that they do not
>> have to pay a fortune to get.I will never forget when I gave the head
>> manufacturing engineer a Debian BO disk and simplly said check it out .
>> that was all it took.
>> Remember  World Domination is our ultimate goal.
> Linux will never achieve anything close to world domination unless the
> users unite and follow Apple's OSX direction. Now Linux has pretty much
> become a footnote in history compared to what apple is doing with UNIX.
> So unless that changes, it's a slow fade to black for the Linux
> community.
> You guys have a chance, but you must "unite" - it's that simple.
> OSX is now about 9 times as large in the world, 6 years ago you guys
> were neck and neck. What happened? No leadership is the answer.
> Within the next few weeks, OSX is going to be a CERTIFIED UNIX.
> Why isn't Linux up to this certification level?
> http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/unix/

Apple's OS X is proprietary. It achieve S*. It's a case of replacing one
locked-down Windows with another (better) one. Sorry. Same problems to ensue.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Reversi for Linux/Win32: http://othellomaster.com
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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