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Re: [News] Miguel de Icaza and Microsoft

Michshaft's Asstroturfer DFS wrote on behalf of Micoshaft Corporation:

> Linonut wrote:
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, DFS belched out this bit o' wisdom:
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> Apology by Novell, accepted or rejected?
>>>> http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=1505
>>>> "I talk to open source developers all the time. They don't like
>>>> being feminized."
>>> I've seen LOTS of evidence otherwise on cola.
>> No you haven't.
> Oh yes I have.
> ml2mst: "Gerard fucked my brains out"
> Rex Ballard: enjoys short skirts
> Bobbie Triple Killer: "bats his eyelashes whilst giving a woeful doe eyed
> expression..."
> yttrx: took his feminization to the precipice of no return but chickened
> out Linonut: wife wears the pants in my house!
>> You're on a real tear today with the boolshit.
> The behavior of cola "advocates" can't be called anything else.

All this proves is that you are a pervert collecting disconnected
sentences to string together jibberish into your fantasies.
You are spliffing too because your posts are easy to see through.

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