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[News] Intel Shows Its Bet on Linux

Intel aims to reduce Linux power consumption

,----[ Quote ]
| Projects currently listed on the LessWatts.org site include:
|     * PowerTOP
|     * Tickless Idle
|     * Power Policy Manager
|     * Applications Power Management
|     * Processor Power Management
|     * Power and Performance Measurement
|     * BLTK
|     * Power QoS
|     * Device and Bus Power Management
|     * Display and Graphics Power Saving
|     * ACPICA
|     * Virtualization



Intel Launches Developer-Focused Sites

,----[ Quote ]
| James also unveiled LessWatts.org, a community site dedicated to data-center 
| power management around Linux servers based on the Intel platform. Other 
| vendors contributing information to the site are Oracle and Linux distributor 
| Red Hat.   
| For Linux developers, Intel launched in July Moblin.org, which is dedicated 
| to developing Linux for Intel-based mobile internet devices. Partners in the 
| site include Canonical, which leads the development of Ubuntu Linux, and 
| Chinese Linux vendor Red Flag Software.    


Intel Stoakley & Harpertown Benchmarks

,----[ Quote ]
| While there were a number of benchmarks used, some of the results were done 
| within Linux for kernel compilation, LAME encoding, and OpenSSL. We've 
| published all of the slides that were shared with the press today, including 
| the early Harpertown/Stoakley benchmarks.   


Video: Linux Spotted Running on BenQ UMPC

,----[ Quote ]
| I guess Intel is really starting to spread its operating system wings. 
| They've been backing Windows for ages and they hopped onto the Apple 
| bandwagon some time back. And now it seems like they're showing love to the 
| penguin too.   


Intel shares the laptop love with Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| How times change. A few short years ago the only OS on show at Intel's San 
| Francisco developer forums was Windows, and the only place you'd see a Mac 
| was two blocks away at the Apple store. Now Microsoft has been shuffled aside 
| from the IDF stage to make room Mac notebooks and desktops and, perhaps more 
| worrying to Redmond, Linux. Intel's ultra-mobile platform leans heavily 
| towards Linux, with executives from RedHat and Cannonical appearing during 
| keynotes at the last two IDFs.      



,----[ Quote ]
| Linux operating systems continue to grow in relevance and market share.


Open Source, Part of a Bigger Trend

,----[ Quote ]
| The Old Days: Commercial firewalls hosted on commercial Unix and proprietary 
| routers 
| Today: Inexpensive SoHo routers flashed with embedded Linux and complex 
| security and networking tools 
| [...]
| The Old Days: Solaris, Windows, and Oracle
| Today: Linux, MySQL, and PostgresSQL 


Intel adds WiMax, 3G support to Linux device plans

,----[ Quote ]
| If Intel's aim to popularize ultraportable PCs based on Linux takes off with 
| end-users, this will have far-reaching implications by expanding the number 
| of people that use Linux beyond technology enthusiasts to the mainstream, and 
| treading into territory coveted by Microsoft.   


Intel: Why Open-Source Drivers Work

,----[ Quote ]
| He also mentioned that a major OEM is requiring that by next year their 
| hardware suppliers must either have an open-source driver available or be 
| able to provide an open-source driver within the next twelve months. The 
| likely company that comes to mind is Dell but Dirk refused to comment any 
| further.    


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