Mcrosoft's Jellyfish Buy Is No Stinger
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| Acquiring the shopping-and-auction service is the giant's latest bid to grab
| a bigger share of online ad dollars. Google has little to fear
Microsoft CEO does not rule out more acquisitions
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| Microsoft Corp's chief executive said on Thursday he did not rule out further
| acquisitions of a similar size to web advertising firm aQuantive.
Microsoft acquires shopping comparison tentacle
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| Microsoft has reheated a market many web watchers had assumed a busted flush
| with the acquisition of, the bastard child of a shopping
| comparison site and QVC.
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| Asked about these problems, Arno Edelmann, Microsoft's European business
| security product manager, told ZDNet UK on Thursday that the code itself
| has pieces missing.
| "Usually Microsoft doesn't develop products, we buy products. It's not a bad
| product, but bits and pieces are missing," said Edelmann.