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[News] [Rival] AT&T Restricts Freedoms, Apple's Product lack Polish, Have Bugs

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] AT&T Restricts Freedoms, Apple's Product lack Polish, Have Bugs
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 11:56:55 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
AT&T Welcomes Programmers for All Phones Except the iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| I’m still trying to understand why Apple would go to such extremes to keep 
| people from writing programs that run on the iPhone.  


Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Apple screwed up with the
iPhone and made everything run as root!! Were they on drugs? Here is another
serious new problem found in Apple products:

Topic : Bluetooth: Not Available -- Hardware or software fault?



AT&T admits it censored other bands

,----[ Quote
| It looks like Pearl Jam isn't the only band that has had its politically 
| charged comments bleeped from concerts streamed from AT&T's Blue Room Web 
| site.  
| [...]
| AT&T quickly apologized for the incident and blamed the company that handles 
| the Webcasting for performances on Blue Room. 


Customers can sue AT&T, after all

,----[ Quote ]
| A federal court in San Francisco has decided that AT&T's wireless contract 
| is "unconscionable". 


IPhone Unlock Delayed After AT&T's 'Friendly Advice'

,----[ Quote ]
| Fear of litigation has led to an indefinite delay in the planned Saturday 
| release of software to unlock Apple Inc.'s iPhone. 
| John McLaughlin, founder of Uniquephones, based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 
| said Saturday that he received a phone call about 3 a.m. Saturday local time 
| from a man claiming to be from O'Melveny & Myers LLP, an international law  
| firm, calling on behalf of AT&T. The firm has worked with Apple in the past.  
| The man informed McLaughlin that if he posted the unlock code, he could be 
| sued for copyright infringement and for dissemination of Apple's intellectual 
| property (IP).  


iPhone Security Hellhole?

,----[ Quote ]
| First, the iPhone root password was broken. OK, it happens. But now it seems 
| that all applications run on the iPhone as root. Can you say biggest security 
| blunder of the 21st century to date?    


Welcome to the world of iPhone development limits

,----[ Quote ]
| The problem is that even the limitations of developing Web 2.0 applications 
| on Safari are constrained. The version of Safari that sits on iPhone doesn't 
| support Java or Flash, two of the most important platforms for current web 
| development.   


Fully hacked by now?


Apple iPhone issue highlights security debate

,----[ Quote ]
| Most early iPhone adopters have bought into the Apple mythology which 
| convinces them that anything blessed by Steve Jobs is automatically 
| desirable, so we won't see a mass return of the shiny devices with their 
| slick interface.   


First iPhone 3rd Party GUI App Compiles

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, it is the standard "Hello, world." application, but it's native to 
| the iPhone and uses the iPhone's GUI. 


IPhone Flaw Lets Hackers Take Over, Security Firm Says 

,----[ Quote ]
| The researchers, working for Independent Security Evaluators, a company that 
| tests its clients’ computer security by hacking it, said that they could take 
| control of iPhones through a WiFi connection or by tricking users into going 
| to a Web site that contains malicious code. The hack, the first reported, 
| allowed them to tap the wealth of personal information the phones contain.    


iPhone Freed From AT&T, Twice

,----[ Quote ]
| The company will be selling licenses to the hack, minimum quantity 500, at a 
| price not yet announced. These hacks are much bigger news for those outside 
| America. Expect to see an industry spring up to meet European (and Asian?) 
| demand for freed iPhones.   


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