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Re: Gary Stewart on c-24-60-155-178.hsd1.ma.comcast.net

"Bob" <none@xxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Gary Stewart (flatfish) has just decided to flood a site of mine with
>> slanderous comments. On the face of it, Gary does not use proxies for his
>> Web browsing activities.
> Roy
> now is a good time to get a copy of the server logs along with the 
> comments
> that he left & forward it to the dept of homeland security ( you may need
> to browse their site map to find the proper place to send the complaint).
> be sure to include the timestamp & ip address from the server logs as 
> well.
> while your at it, i would also recommend that you CC the complaint to
> abuse@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Roy should simply copy & paste this letter to save time:

Dear Department of Homeland Security,

My name is Roy Schestowitz and I literally make HUNDREDS of posts every day 
to Digg, Groklaw and worthless newsgroups like COLA. But somebody posted a 
dozen "slanderous comments" about me in a site.

A retard named "Bob" said that it is illegal to say bad things about me. So 
once you stop laughing your arse off could you please tell Gary to stop 
because he hurt my feelings.


Roy Schestowitz

PS - Check out my search engine at http://iuron.com/search/  - It's so 
awesome that I pimp it hundreds of posts each day.

> what Gary did is ILLEGAL & he can be incarcerated.

Yes - In the mind of a linux retard it is illegal to post negative things 
about Roy.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

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