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[News] Ubuntu Founder on Collaboration & Innovation, Doxygen Maintainer Interviewed

  • Subject: [News] Ubuntu Founder on Collaboration & Innovation, Doxygen Maintainer Interviewed
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 01:27:45 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Shuttleworth at FOSSCamp: collaboration brings "brilliant flashes of

,----[ Quote ]
| The goal of FOSSCamp, he says, is to get those involved with open source 
| projects together to collaborate and share ideas. 


Meet Doxygen Maintainer - Dimitri van Heesch

,----[ Quote ]
| Blue GNU interviews Dimitri van Heesch, founder and maintainer of the Doxygen 
| project, to learn more about about how developers can manage their 
| documentation.  



Fedora 8 renews tradition of innovations

,----[ Quote ]
| This release makes it obvious that the Fedora community prides itself on 
| innovation.  


Innovation: The REAL Killer App

,----[ Quote ]
| There is no true innovation in Windows Vista. Microsoft has spent
| years developing a product that nobody cared about or wanted. All
| Microsoft was developing was the operating system they needed to
| perpetuate their Windows franchise. After long hold ups in
| development, this has left their Windows revenues at a trickle.
| The sad thing is the GNU/Linux camp has done little to combat
| this deficiency in innovation. They have been more concerned
| with creating an equivalent product at a better price rather than
| a better product at a better price. Sure GNU/Linux is a better
| product due to its inherent stability, performance and security,
| but these aren't the features that home consumers migrate
| platforms for. True innovation, such as improvements in usability,
| is the only way one can convince consumers to choose your product
| over a stagnant entrenched one like Windows. It is simple free
| market economics, the better product at the best price will win. 


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