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Re: Suggestions please

____/ Jez on Saturday 27 October 2007 10:19 : \____

> Hi,
> I have a site that I am switching from static html pages to PHP.
> Obviously the URL's are going to be different. What would the advice be
> on the old pages regarding google? There are too many to 301 (over
> 1,000). Should I just do nothing and let google drop the old pages in
> its own good time? I suppose there is the possibility of a duplicate
> content issue in this period but I don't see a good way around this. Any
> advice?
> Thanks,
> Jez.

If you're good at coding or the CMS (I assume you will use one?) permit this,
it's worth writing some rules. Incoming links may otherwise be lost (never
mind Google's crawling). You can hire someone like John Bokma if you don't
know how to do this yourself. It can be just a single line to shove
into .htaccess.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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