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Re: [News] Red Hat Linux without the Expenses a Viable Option

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> What Is It Like Migrating Mission Critical Servers from Paid Linux (RHEL)
> to Free Linux (CentOS)?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Q: When we spoke several months ago you were considering a move from Red
> | Hat to a free binary clone of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) like
> | CentOS. Are you still going forward with that, and if so, why?
> | 
> | A: Yes. We've been using Red Hat 7.3 for five years on about three dozen
> | production servers, but now we are migrating to CentOS 5.
> `----
> http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2207486,00.asp
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | It crossed my mind that Red Hat does indeed know how to put out a good
> | Linux distribution, no matter whether it be a community effort or one
> | for the enterprise.
> | 
> | By the evening, I was left wishing that they would put half as much
> | effort as has gone into Fedora into their dealings with the media.
> `----
> http://www.itwire.com/content/view/15040/1091/

I was instinctively wanting to jump to Redhat's defence here, on both
points, but I can't really, because I have felt pretty much the same way
for a long time.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the enterprise versions. They will
sit there plodding along minding it's own business, not troubling you at
all. So what is wrong?

It is simple, the enterprise version of any distro is always behind the
other versions. That is understandable, nothing should go into the
enterprise version until it is fully tested.

But when it comes to Redhat, the distance between what is available for your
works enterprise server and what is available for your Fedora server at
home, is just plain huge. The last enterprise Redhat I did, I paid the
money and got what I would say is a 2-3 year old distro. Fully up to date
security wise, with some nice extra tools etc, but many utilities and
applications so far back you can smell Mammouth poo.

Why should I moan about Redhat protecting my works servers by being overly
caucious with updates? That is very easy to answer, I can moan because the
SLES's that I replaced the Redhats with are much more up to date and they
too sit there plodding away, not troubling me for anything, minding their
own busines ....

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