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[News] Sun and Mozilla Resort to Tactless Marketing

  • Subject: [News] Sun and Mozilla Resort to Tactless Marketing
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:17:50 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Sun promoting OpenOffice through pop-up ads

,----[ Quote ]
| I guess it works for V1@gr@ and security software, so why shouldn't Sun 
| advertise OpenOffice through obnoxious pop-up ads? Install Java, get...spam? 


Why is Mozilla selling out free software?

,----[ Quote ]
| And you do realize that other manufacturers offer laptops pre-loaded with 
| Firefox and Linux, right? 


So Mozilla gives proprietary, DRM-oriented software and hardware. Novell once
did the same with iPods got criticised (long before the deal with Microsoft). 

...And then there are pro-open source people who use Macs, whose partent
company seems to /hate/ Linux.


Wozniak hates Open Sauce

,----[ Quote ]
| In an interview with eWeek, Woz said that there are always people who want 
| things to be free and the open-source movement starts with those sort of 
| people.  


,----[ Quote ]
| As recently reported on Slashdot, Apple, in its infinite wisdom, has added a 
| checksum to the iPod database apparently to restrict non-iTunes products 
| (like Amarok via libgpod) from having the ability to add music.  


Apple promises to kill unlocked Iphones


Apple Arrogance Unleashed!

,----[ Quote ]
| But the only problem with Apple is that it has no gratitude. Or humility. Or 
| generosity. Or manners. 
| I'm a big fan of Apple products. But there's no escaping the fact that Apple 
| has always been, well, arrogant. Which was fine -- their superiority complex 
| has always been both partially deserved and one of the company's motivations 
| to strive for better things. But in the past few months, the company seems to 
| have crossed some kind of invisible line, now brazenly pissing off not just 
| competitors, but its most devoted fans, closest partners and industry 
| supporters.      


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