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[News] Google Improves MySQL for the Rest of Us, Oracle Users Turn to MySQL and FS

  • Subject: [News] Google Improves MySQL for the Rest of Us, Oracle Users Turn to MySQL and FS
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 08:23:32 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
MySQL to get injection of Google code

,----[ Quote ]
| My SQL has laid out its software road map through 2009, including some code 
| contributed by Google and security improvements that are due in MySQL 7.0. 


That's why Free software is unstoppable.

Oracle users go ga-ga for open source, including MySQL

,----[ Quote ]
| It's great to be king (aka "Oracle"), but apparently the peasants are 
| secretly in revolt. According to a survey of the Independent Oracle Users 
| Group (IOUG) [PDF], open source adoption is rampant within the rank-and-file 
| of Oracle users...including widespread adoption of MySQL.   



MySQL Previews Upcoming Releases

,----[ Quote ]
| MySQL plans to launch alpha and beta versions of several new free and 
| open-source software products in September, including a release candidate of 
| the latest version of its database software.  


MySQL AB Plans to Release New Versions of Open Source Database

"MySQL is Hiring!"


Cream 3.0 released, switches to MySQL

,----[ Quote ]
| Campware has released a new version of Cream, an open source customer 
| relationship management (CRM) system for media organizations. The new release 
| sports a switch to MySQL and a number of other new features and changes.  
| [,,,]
| All Campware applications are released under the GNU General Public License 
| (GPL). 


Linux database becomes a browser

,----[ Quote ]
| What Strata doesn't lack is muscle. Nate Williams told us that it's a 
| full-blooded database, capable of handling a billion records. "We already 
| have clients using it with 100m record data bases," he said. "We can sort a 
| million records in a minute; so if you sort a ten million record data base, 
| it takes ten minutes."    


Open source here to stay, says MySQL CEO Marten Mickos

,----[ Quote ]
| "Microsoft can use [its] money in other ways to threaten free and open-source 
| software, and I'm sure that they have," Mickos said. "But I think we will see 
| less of that in the future because they've done it and it hasn't helped 
| them." Many Microsoft customers use open-source products and find it 
| challenging when the company makes it harder to integrate Microsoft products 
| and open-source software, he said.     
| "I'm not too worried," Mickos said. "This open source movement is so strong 
| that nothing can stop it anymore."  


MySQL Set For IPO?

,----[ Quote ]
| Investor says maker of crucial Web 2.0 component has reached the stage when 
| the world expects it to list. 


MySQL K.K. to Strengthen its Presence in the Japanese Database Market

,----[ Quote ]
| MySQL K.K., the Japanese arm of the open source database developer MySQL AB, 
| has announced three new initiatives aimed at strengthening its expansion in 
| the Japanese market.  


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