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[News] EU/Microsoft - Patent Mess, Not Good News

  • Subject: [News] EU/Microsoft - Patent Mess, Not Good News
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 03:14:16 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Let's Make a Deal - The MS-EU Settlement

,----[ Quote ]
| The patent part is terrible. Worse than terrible. They are not blocked from 
| offering patent deals, only constrained as to how much to charge for a 
| license, which is not and never was the issue. So they'll beef up those 
| initiatives, I'm sure. However, the good part is that they were compelled to 
| separate the patent license offer out and make it optional. Thanks, but no 
| thanks.     
| [...]
| I'm guessing Microsoft lawyers are high fiving each other, having snatched an 
| important victory from utter and total defeat. The rest is excellent, of 
| course, and in no way do I mean to detract from the hard work and persistence 
| that the EU Commission has shown. However, I don't think they understand how 
| seriously broken the US patent system is currently, and how easy it is to  
| abuse it, or they don't feel it's their job to fix the US problems, or how 
| central patents are to Microsoft's current strategy against FOSS.     


It's truly a shame.


Free-market think tank urges EU to unbundle Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| The Globalisation Institute, a European think-tank run by free market 
| advocates, today went on the offensive against Microsoft, calling on the EU 
| to require all PCs to be sold without operating systems.  


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