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[News] Linux Makes Microsoft Less Relevant Quickly

  • Subject: [News] Linux Makes Microsoft Less Relevant Quickly
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:02:19 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Microsoft matters less every 6 months

,----[ Quote ]
| Which leads me back to my headline. Edubuntu (and the various incarnations of 
| Ubuntu) are very good right now. Microsoft may bring us “Patch Tuesday,” but 
| Canonical brings us a significantly upgraded operating system every 6 months. 
| Many other major Linux developers follow a similar schedule. If the 
| improvements between versions are immediately noticeable, imagine what a 
| couple more generations will bring us. What will Edubuntu 8.10 look like and 
| how much better will it be? For that matter, how will SUSE Linux and their 
| Kiwi implementation of LTSP look (along with the promise of fully-functional 
| library and student information system software out of the box in the coming 
| months)? RedHat/Fedora aren’t exactly far behind either, to say nothing of 
| the countless options represented by other distributions.           



Change and development with open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Innovation goes hand in hand with open source software. Open source software 
| builds on the innovative nature of people; it comes from people's desire to 
| make something better. It also gives people the skills and resources to 
| become innovative with software.   
| This is not abstract speculation; a recent report from a group of corporate 
| CIOs states, 'faster product cycles are seen as a big advantage for open 
| source - CIOs believe that product innovation is faster in open source'.   


Beware of undisclosed Microsoft patches

,----[ Quote ]
| Forget for a moment whether Microsoft is throwing off patch counts 
| that Microsoft brass use to compare its security record with those 
| of its competitors. What do you think of Redmond’s silent patching 
| practice?


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