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Re: iPhone Finds New Ways to Rob People

____/ Mark Kent on Monday 10 September 2007 14:24 : \____

> Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Rick wrote:
>>> On Sun, 09 Sep 2007 22:19:38 -0700, John Bailo, Texeme.Construct wrote:
>>>> Fun, Tours and a $3,000 Bill for Hardly Using an iPhone
>>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/10/technology/10iphone.html?
>>> ref=technology
>>>> <quote>
>>>> As it turned out, the cellphone carried by Mr. Dingman, a mortgage
>>>> consultant in Minneapolis, made calls on a European data network several
>>>> times each hour to check for e-mail messages. Because he didn't
>>>> deactivate the feature that automatically checks for new e-mail
>>>> messages, during Mr. Dingman's trip through Italy, Croatia and Malta,
>>>> the phone went to retrieve e-mail more than 500 times.
>>>> Other iPhone users have felt the sting of high roaming charges with
>>>> their iPhone, too. Some, like Mr. Dingman, are unaware that they need to
>>>> disable the e-mail feature; others are billed erroneously; still others
>>>> misunderstand the explanation of charges they are given by AT&T customer
>>>> service representatives. Many of them are complaining to the company or
>>>> on blogs.
>>>> </quote>
>>> Bailo,
>>> Does the iPhone run Linux? No? Oh.
>> Well, it runs OSX (or a derived OS). So, are you telling us that OSX was the
>> reason for this bill?
> Apple's misapprehension of telephone roaming and charging was the reason
> for the bill.  The defaults set are clearly wrong.
>>> ... and why are you surprised at the high international roaming bills on
>>> a phone that is advertised to be US only?
>> What part of "roaming" has to be explained to you again?
> Roaming charges are often deal-dependent, so it is quite possible that
> the charges applied to the iPhone are different to any other phone.
>> And why don't you have the faintest clue about cell phones?
> You don't seem to be overly top-notch on them, either.

Are you trying to suggest that the phone (Apple), not the carrier, is to blame?
Or is it the unhealthy relationship with a company that eavesdrops and censors
on behalf on Captain Bush the Great?

                ~~ Best of wishes

A computer is like air conditioning: it becomes useless when you open windows.
                                                 ~Linus Torvalds

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