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Re: Beards? Unwashed?!?! No, Kernel Hackers Are Normal. (New and Rare Group Photo)

dapunka <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> On 9 Sep, 12:56, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Kernel Summit: customer panel and group photo
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Also, for all readers, [it] is the obligatory group photo, available in
>> | medium resolution, full resolution, and full resolution annotated forms.
>> `----
>> http://lwn.net/Articles/248893/
> What do you mean, no beards?  I counted 3 - the beardy in the front
> row is cross-legged, probably about to levitate - and, if you want
> weird, check out the guy with blue hair!!  ;)

It's a mistake to play to the stereotypes here, I think.  The kernel
stands alone as a quite unique achievement in the history of humanity.
Those who have worked on it, or indeed, those who have worked on any of
the free software projects, in any way, deserve global recognition for
the fantastic contribution they have made to the whole of society, for
the whole population of the world.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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