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[News] SCI Linux Might be on the Way; Firewire Support in Linux to Advance

  • Subject: [News] SCI Linux Might be on the Way; Firewire Support in Linux to Advance
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 05:15:58 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linux powered TreCorder speeds up data collection at crime scenes

,----[ Quote ]
| Does this mean that we will be seeing a TreCorder on CSI some time soon? Will 
| Gil Grissom become a lInux geek as well as an insect freak? Seriosuly though, 
| anything that can speed up the forensic data collection process has got to be 
| a good thing. It should help bring more bad bad guys to justice in less time, 
| and save money as a result.    


Firewire Subsystems TODO Lists

,----[ Quote ]
| Stefan Richter posted the IEEE1394 subsytem and FireWire subsystem TODO lists
| [...]
| The current IEEE1394 subsystem is available for the 2.6 and 2.4 kernels, also 
| known as the Linux1394 driver stack. Kristian Høgsberg started development of 
| the new FireWire stack, nicknamed "Juju", in December of 2006.   



Linux: New Firewire Stack In Development

,----[ Quote ]
| Ben Collins expressed some concerns about the decision to
| abandon the existing stack, "the tree is years old, and a
| lot of work has been put into it (lots of my work, I'll admit
| I'm being a little protective). I'm not sure that 'replacing'i
| t is wise, or even needed. Fork it, clean it up, but rewriting
| just doesn't make sense."


Linux: New FireWire Stack Update

,----[ Quote ]
| ...backwards compatible at the library level, existing user space
| libraries have been ported to use the new user space interface;
| less than 8k lines of code compared to 30k lines of code in the
| old stack, and a similar size reduction in the sizes of the .ko's;


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