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COLA Statistics, 09 Sep 2007

  • Subject: COLA Statistics, 09 Sep 2007
  • From: colastats <colastats@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 06:34:42 GMT
  • Expires: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 02:34:40 -0400
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:557968

-  This posting occurs weekly on Sunday.

-  The subject line will always be formatted as follows:
   "COLA Statistics, 01 Jan 1970"
   substituting the date the statistics are posted.
   Add it to your kill filter if you are uninterested.

Summary of articles over a 7 day period.

                Analysis of posts to comp.os.linux.advocacy
               (stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 1,931 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Sep  2 02:40:31 2007
Latest article:   Sun Sep  9 02:30:19 2007
Original articles: 370, replies: 1,561
Total size of posts: 7,364,410 bytes (7,191K) (7.02M)
Average 275 articles per day, 1.00 MB per day, 3,813 bytes per article
Total headers: 2,556 KB  bodies: 4,634 KB
Body text - quoted: 1,452 KB,  original: 1,731 KB = 54.39%, sigs: 1,440 KB
Total number of posters: 196, average 37,573 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 501, average 14,699 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 41

                    Top 20 posters by number of articles
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :    430
 2: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :    165
 3: Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................ :     83
 4: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :     71
 5: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>....................................... :     67
 6: Peter =?UTF-8?B?S8O2aGxtYW5u?= <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>... :     66
 7: Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... :     61
 8: "John Bailo, Texeme.Construct" <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>............ :     52
 9: Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ :     50
10: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>........................................ :     42
11: chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. :     35
12: cc <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>..................................... :     33
13: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... :     30
14: Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>......................................... :     29
15: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :     28
16: dapunka <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................... :     28
17: "Captain Commando" <commando@xxxxxxxxx>........................ :     25
18: George Graves <gmgraves2@xxxxxxxxxxx>.......................... :     25
19: Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>............................ :     23
20: "chrisv" <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................... :     21

                  Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :   1764
 2: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :   1646
 3: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :    275
 4: Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... :    220
 5: Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................ :    183
 6: Peter =?UTF-8?B?S8O2aGxtYW5u?= <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>... :    182
 7: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>....................................... :    161
 8: Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>............................ :    154
 9: Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ :    116
10: George Graves <gmgraves2@xxxxxxxxxxx>.......................... :    106
11: cc <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>..................................... :    100
12: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>........................................ :     97
13: dapunka <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................... :     94
14: "John Bailo, Texeme.Construct" <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>............ :     90
15: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... :     86
16: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :     82
17: Darth Chaos <DarthChaosofRSPW@xxxxxxxxx>....................... :     73
18: "Captain Commando" <commando@xxxxxxxxx>........................ :     71
19: Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>......................................... :     65
20: chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. :     61

               Top 20 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
 1: "nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.... : 98.58%
 2: jebblue <n@xxxxx>.............................................. : 82.83%
 3: Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>............................ : 81.98%
 4: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... : 80.91%
 5: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>....................................... : 72.62%
 6: Darth Chaos <DarthChaosofRSPW@xxxxxxxxx>....................... : 72.09%
 7: Geico Caveman <spammers-begone@xxxxxxxxxxxx>................... : 59.78%
 8: Bob <none@xxxxxxxx>............................................ : 58.17%
 9: "John Bailo, Texeme.Construct" <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>............ : 57.75%
10: Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... : 57.05%
11: Tattoo Vampire <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>......................... : 53.98%
12: High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........ : 52.85%
13: Thufir <hawat.thufir@xxxxxxxxx>................................ : 52.83%
14: BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. : 51.35%
15: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... : 48.75%
16: ml2mst <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx>...................................... : 47.22%
17: John Locke <johnlocke98513@xxxxxxxxxxx>........................ : 46.53%
18: "jim" <jim@xxxxxxxx>........................................... : 45.69%
19: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>........................ : 45.42%
20: 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>..................... : 45.28%

             Bottom 20 responders by original text  (> 5 posts)
 1: luisortizhome@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 11.88%
 2: Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx>....................................... : 15.08%
 3: Jeanette <jrusso2@xxxxxxxxxxx>................................. : 15.10%
 4: Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>......................................... : 17.45%
 5: ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>........................................... : 20.69%
 6: Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... : 20.94%
 7: "Lt. Stardust" <stardust@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>...................... : 22.48%
 8: Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ : 22.91%
 9: alt <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 25.61%
10: "Clogwog" <BWAHAHAHAAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................ : 26.26%
11: cc <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>..................................... : 26.72%
12: "chrisv" <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................... : 27.69%
13: Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 28.45%
14: George Graves <gmgraves2@xxxxxxxxxxx>.......................... : 29.44%
15: "Respondant" <Respondant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>...................... : 29.72%
16: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... : 30.50%
17: "Captain Commando" <commando@xxxxxxxxx>........................ : 31.88%
18: dapunka <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................... : 34.75%
19: Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx>............................ : 35.02%
20: dont.pullout@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 35.91%

                     Top 20 threads by no. of articles
 1: Linux is Free....So what? Is your Time Free?................... :    133
 2: COLA Statistics, 02 Sep 2007................................... :     51
 3: Rex Ballard and GPL............................................ :     50
 4: Exactly how does Linux suck again?............................. :     46
 5: No Mention Of Linux In Dell Sept Catalog....................... :     43
 6: Microsoft Live Earth........................................... :     42
 7: The great linux saviour "Palm Foleo" - knifed and killed by Pal :     37
 8: People Would Rather Pay For Windows Than Use Linux............. :     34
 9: Hadron Quark lying as usual [Was: The trouble with Linux]...... :     33
10: Possible windfall for early buyers of the iPhone............... :     32
11: California's report of Microsoft "remedy"...................... :     32
12: Rumour: Microsoft Walks Away from Windows...................... :     32
13: Linux an Audio Production Production Heaven (and It's Free).... :     29
14: Is Linux An African Cult?...................................... :     26
15: Will Microsoft's next OS be a *nix?............................ :     24
16: XandroSoft Sellout Talks About the "Intellectual Property" Deal :     21
17: [News] Mono is Still Coverging with the Windows API............ :     20
18: Rex "The Predecessor" Ballard.................................. :     19
19: "30 things I've learned from using Linux ...".................. :     17
20: [News] [Rival] Another Microsoft Bully in Government Exposed... :     17

                        Top 20 threads by size in KB
 1: Linux is Free....So what? Is your Time Free?................... :    394
 2: Rex Ballard and GPL............................................ :    176
 3: COLA Statistics, 02 Sep 2007................................... :    171
 4: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceding 06 :    164
 5: Exactly how does Linux suck again?............................. :    161
 6: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceding 30 :    158
 7: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceding 05 :    157
 8: The great linux saviour "Palm Foleo" - knifed and killed by Pal :    135
 9: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceding 07 :    134
10: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceding 01 :    129
11: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceding 03 :    128
12: People Would Rather Pay For Windows Than Use Linux............. :    127
13: Hadron Quark lying as usual [Was: The trouble with Linux]...... :    108
14: No Mention Of Linux In Dell Sept Catalog....................... :    104
15: XandroSoft Sellout Talks About the "Intellectual Property" Deal :    103
16: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceding 31 :     99
17: Microsoft Live Earth........................................... :     93
18: California's report of Microsoft "remedy"...................... :     93
19: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceding 02 :     91
20: Rumour: Microsoft Walks Away from Windows...................... :     89

                         Top 20 cross-posted groups
 1: alt.os.windows-xp.............................................. :    168
 2: comp.sys.mac.advocacy.......................................... :    149
 3: microsoft.public.windows.vista.general......................... :    109
 4: 24hoursupport.helpdesk......................................... :     32
 5: alt.cellular................................................... :     29
 6: alt.home.repair................................................ :     28
 7: alt.os.linux.suse.............................................. :     26
 8: soc.men........................................................ :     22
 9: alt.homosexual................................................. :     19
10: alt.cellular.cingular.......................................... :     18
11: rec.audio.pro.................................................. :     17
12: soc.culture.african.american................................... :     14
13: alt.os.linux................................................... :     11
14: alt.personals.transgendered.................................... :      9
15: comp.os.linux.misc............................................. :      8
16: alt.linux...................................................... :      7
17: alt.comp.linux................................................. :      7
18: alt.2600.cracks................................................ :      6
19: alt.2600....................................................... :      6
20: alt.os.linux.ubuntu............................................ :      4

                        Top 20 User Agents by poster
 1: G2............................................................. :     41
 2: Outlook Express................................................ :     24
 3: Unknown........................................................ :     19
 4: KNode.......................................................... :     17
 5: slrn........................................................... :     11
 6: MT-NewsWatcher................................................. :     10
 7: Pan............................................................ :      9
 8: Forte Agent.................................................... :      8
 9: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6000.16480.......................... :      8
10: pan............................................................ :      7
11: Xnews.......................................................... :      5
12: Thunderbird (X11...................................... :      4
13: Thunderbird (X11....................................... :      4
14: Mozilla........................................................ :      4
15: 40tude_Dialog.................................................. :      3
16: Unison......................................................... :      3
17: Gnus........................................................... :      2
18: Hogwasher...................................................... :      2
19: tin............................................................ :      2
20: Thunderbird (Windows................................... :      2

                   Top 20 User Agents by number of posts
 1: KNode..................................................... :   586 (30%)
 2: slrn...................................................... :   342 (18%)
 3: G2........................................................ :   235 (12%)
 4: Pan....................................................... :   161 ( 8%)
 5: Outlook Express........................................... :   141 ( 7%)
 6: Mozilla................................................... :    83 ( 4%)
 7: unknown................................................... :    55 ( 3%)
 8: Gnus...................................................... :    51 ( 3%)
 9: Forte Agent............................................... :    50 ( 3%)
10: MT-NewsWatcher............................................ :    36 ( 2%)
11: 40tude_Dialog............................................. :    32 ( 2%)
12: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6000.16480..................... :    31 ( 2%)
13: Hogwasher................................................. :    26 ( 1%)
14: pan....................................................... :    25 ( 1%)
15: Thunderbird (X11.................................. :    11 ( 1%)
16: Thunderbird (X11.................................. :    11 ( 1%)
17: Thunderbird (X11................................. :     9 ( 0%)
18: Xnews..................................................... :     9 ( 0%)
19: Thunderbird (X11................................. :     8 ( 0%)
20: tin....................................................... :     6 ( 0%)

                             Top 10 time zones
 1: +0100.......................................................... :    786
 2: -0700.......................................................... :    359
 3: UTC............................................................ :    259
 4: +0200.......................................................... :    184
 5: -0400.......................................................... :    142
 6: -0500.......................................................... :    124
 7: -0600.......................................................... :     42
 8: +0200 (CEST)................................................... :     10
 9: +0900.......................................................... :      9
10: +1000.......................................................... :      9


Summary of articles over a 30 day period.

Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 7920 messages written between 08/10/07 01:57:43 and 09/09/07 10:31:22

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. norm <noone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 3  89.27%
   2. luisortizhome@xxxxxxxxx                                       7  88.20%
   3. Toad <toad@xxxxxxx>                                           6  87.93%
   4. Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx>                                     66  87.17%
   5. Jeanette <jrusso2@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                9  85.49%
   6. mr.macfeelme@xxxxxxxxx                                        7  84.96%
   7. Anonymous <cripto@xxxxxxx>                                    7  83.35%
   8. Robin T Cox <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx>                               5  81.90%
   9. Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           8  80.31%
  10. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>                                      101  79.47%
  11. Bill Yanaire <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                               3  79.39%
  12. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                         38  79.07%
  13. megan <megan@xxxxxxxx>                                        3  78.58%
  14. bugbuster <bugbuster@xxxxxxxxxxx>                             3  78.54%
  15. yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx>                                      67  78.34%
  16. flyer2 <flyer@xxxxxxxxx>                                      9  77.54%
  17. Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                  71  76.26%
  18. cc <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                   89  76.24%
  19. Peter Hayes <notinuse2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        9  76.11%
  20. Chris Clement <chris.clement@xxxxxxx>                         3  75.82%
  21. Lt. Stardust <stardust@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       9  75.76%
  22. Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         467  75.04%
  23. Clogwog <BWAHAHAHAAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        23  74.24%
  24. Charlie Tame <charlie@xxxxxxxxx>                              3  74.12%
  25. Capt Morgan <rum@xxxxxxxxx>                                  37  73.72%
  26. Gezinus den Sluitspierbeul <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            5  71.53%
  27. Walter Bushell <proto@xxxxxxxxx>                              7  71.10%
  28. Venom <Venom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   4  70.85%
  29. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 287  70.79%
  30. Respondant <Respondant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       7  70.52%
  31. George Graves <gmgraves2@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        25  70.50%
  32. ssl.tech@xxxxxxxxx                                            4  70.00%
  33. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   71  69.32%
  34. Ramon F Herrera <ramon@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          26  68.78%
  35. DanS <t.h.i.s.n.t.h.a.t@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                3  68.31%
  36. Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        18  68.14%
  37. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               1861  67.93%
  38. mike3 <mike4ty4@xxxxxxxxx>                                    3  67.66%
  39. graeme <www.rillion.net@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      12  67.38%
  40. Sgt. Bilko <bilko@xxxxxxxxx>                                 32  67.14%
  41. tblanchard001@xxxxxxxxx                                      22  66.87%
  42. Arsene den Rode-Apenkontjager <INVALID@xxxxxxxxxx>            7  66.29%
  43. unionpenny@xxxxxxxxx                                          4  65.65%
  44. Kerry Brown <kerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*a*m>                   5  65.55%
  45. Bob Tennent <BobT@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              7  65.26%
  46. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              152  64.85%
  47. Captain Commando <commando@xxxxxxxxx>                        29  64.75%
  48. dont.pullout@xxxxxxxxx                                       12  64.33%
  49. Professor Dungby <somebody@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       3  63.85%
  50. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                           274  63.73%

A total of 16885776 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 10064782, or 59.61%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       1861  4544510   1.8%
   2. Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 467   650018   9.0%
   3. Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     421   371921  53.1%
   4. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                              354   478779  30.6%
   5. DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx>                               323   365114  57.4%
   6. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         287   475699  70.8%
   7. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                   274  4261445   3.3%
   8. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  244   670867  38.3%
   9. Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>        201   258581  58.7%
  10. waterskidoo <water.skidoo@xxxxxxxxx>                185   190543  49.4%
  11. John Bailo, Texeme.Construct <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>   169    82058  33.4%
  12. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      152    64335  64.9%
  13. Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         126   110458  41.0%
  14. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>             114   171704  29.8%
  15. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                112   152092  59.7%
  16. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>                              101   118233  79.5%
  17. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       98   189838  53.1%
  18. Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       91   122038  53.1%
  19. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxx   90   226214  38.1%
  20. cc <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>                           89   130740  76.2%
  21. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           71    92558  69.3%
  22. Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>          71    68476  76.3%
  23. yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx>                              67    92186  78.3%
  24. Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx>                             66    71410  87.2%
  25. flyer <flyer@xxxxxxxxx>                              65    71900  60.0%
  26. dapunka <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     63   109210  59.5%
  27. Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx>                  62   112516  63.5%
  28. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>                  51   281150  17.1%
  29. John Locke <johnlocke98513@xxxxxxxxxxx>              51    41140  60.2%
  30. Thufir <hawat.thufir@xxxxxxxxx>                      50    31488  47.9%
  31. Ian Hilliard <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               44    54060  54.5%
  32. Oldtech <me@xxxxxxxxx>                               43    63121  53.7%
  33. Snit <CSMA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    38    46531  60.9%
  34. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                 38    46402  79.1%
  35. Capt Morgan <rum@xxxxxxxxx>                          37    72214  73.7%
  36. amicus_curious <ACDC@xxxxxxx>                        37    58453  56.0%
  37. nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                          34    67962  10.8%
  38. ml2mst <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx>                            34    44935  53.0%
  39. Tattoo Vampire <tat2vampire@xxxxxxxxxxxx>            34    15911  50.4%
  40. Sgt. Bilko <bilko@xxxxxxxxx>                         32    64074  67.1%
  41. AB <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>                           31    44356  52.9%
  42. yakety yak <who.me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       31    39622  56.0%
  43. Darth Chaos <DarthChaosofRSPW@xxxxxxxxx>             29    74085  38.1%
  44. Captain Commando <commando@xxxxxxxxx>                29    47661  64.8%
  45. flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                               27    29973  53.8%
  46. alt <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                          27    17632  61.3%
  47. Ramon F Herrera <ramon@xxxxxxxxxxx>                  26    27971  68.8%
  48. George Graves <gmgraves2@xxxxxxxxxxx>                25    65124  70.5%
  49. ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                  24    22604  53.1%
  50. Clogwog <BWAHAHAHAAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                23    27729  74.2%

A total of 353 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. colastats <colastats@xxxxxxx>               42077 /    3 = 14025   0.6%
   2. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>          1545680 /  274 =  5641   3.3%
   3. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>        233106 /   51 =  4570  17.1%
   4. secretary@xxxxxxxx                          18760 /    6 =  3126    N/A
   5. jim <jim@xxxxxxxx>                          35063 /   15 =  2337  41.4%
   6. traci.alicock@xxxxxxxxx                      8560 /    4 =  2140  43.5%
   7. Derk den Klotsoksel <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 23018 /   11 =  2092  21.3%
   8. nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                 60647 /   34 =  1783  10.8%
   9. Kerry Brown <kerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*a*m>  8738 /    5 =  1747  65.5%
  10. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /  244 =  1697  38.3%
  11. Bill Gates  <im@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            15983 /   10 =  1598  18.0%
  12. Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>        11121 /    7 =  1588  24.4%
  13. Darth Chaos <DarthChaosofRSPW@xxxxxxxxx>    45886 /   29 =  1582  38.1%
  14. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@inva140002 /   90 =  1555  38.1%
  15. Robin <robin.pain@xxxxxxxxx>                 4638 /    3 =  1546  10.7%
  16. Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 26769 /   21 =  1274  32.1%
  17. Mike <Not@xxxxxxxxxxx>                      26516 /   22 =  1205  56.8%
  18. Mitch <mitch@xxxxxxxxx>                      6970 /    6 =  1161  40.1%
  19. Geico Caveman <spammers-begone@xxxxxxxxxxxx 15013 /   13 =  1154  39.6%
  20. Gazwad <argos.staffed.by.twats@xxxxxxxxx>    4504 /    4 =  1126  21.1%
  21. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>    120523 /  114 =  1057  29.8%
  22. x0054 <x0054@xxxxxxxxx>                      6182 /    6 =  1030  34.8%
  23. Carey Frisch  [MVP] <cnfrisch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx  3089 /    3 =  1029  27.4%
  24. Charlie Wilkes <charlie_wilkes@xxxxxxxxxxxx  4710 /    5 =   942  23.1%
  25. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                     332331 /  354 =   938  30.6%
  26. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>              88950 /   98 =   907  53.1%
  27. dont.pullout@xxxxxxxxx                      10248 /   12 =   854  64.3%
  28. Charlie Tame <charlie@xxxxxxxxx>             2470 /    3 =   823  74.1%
  29. Baldylocks-Ubuntu <me.signup@xxxxxxxxx>      2370 /    3 =   790  44.3%
  30. Anonymous Sender <anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  4737 /    6 =   789  29.2%
  31. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / 1861 =   783   1.8%
  32. George Graves <gmgraves2@xxxxxxxxxxx>       19211 /   25 =   768  70.5%
  33. Krzysztof Lubanski <luban@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>     5378 /    7 =   768  30.1%
  34. Handover Phist <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  3057 /    4 =   764  53.8%
  35. Cyberiade.it Anonymous Remailer <anonymous@  2291 /    3 =   763  48.1%
  36. owl <owl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    3815 /    5 =   763  56.5%
  37. raylopez99 <raylopez99@xxxxxxxxx>            5265 /    7 =   752  10.6%
  38. spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                         2999 /    4 =   749  52.3%
  39. Adam Albright <AA@xxxxxxx>                   2964 /    4 =   741  36.7%
  40. Johan Lindquist <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        8004 /   11 =   727  46.2%
  41. robertharvey@xxxxxxxxxxx                     3514 /    5 =   702  17.1%
  42. dapunka <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            44226 /   63 =   702  59.5%
  43. mycarisfast@xxxxxxxxx                        2094 /    3 =   698    N/A
  44. amicus_curious <ACDC@xxxxxxx>               25744 /   37 =   695  56.0%
  45. Peter Kai Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  6951 /   10 =   695  26.2%
  46. Simon Lewis <simonlewis2001@xxxxxxxxx>       2753 /    4 =   688  60.5%
  47. Oldtech <me@xxxxxxxxx>                      29217 /   43 =   679  53.7%
  48. Davorin Vlahovic <nrubA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     10161 /   15 =   677  50.8%
  49. Jeff?Relf <Jeff_Relf@xxxxxxxxx>              7448 /   11 =   677    N/A
  50. AB <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>                  20872 /   31 =   673  52.9%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. Only hope for Linux: virtualization                         234  292847
   2. [News] Anti-Firefox Campaign Launched, Uses Stereotypes     154  217092
   3. Linux is Free....So what? Is your Time Free?                133  213254
   4. Open Source is better than Microsoft, Part I                122  169705
   5. Critics urge rejection of Microsoft 'open' (yeah, right)    112  145127
   6. Interesting article: Linus explains why open source works    90  130380
   7. Vista Kernel Exposed Via Flaws in ATI Drivers - Fix Far F    89  113751
   8. Trolls having a hard time with Linux                         82  105646
   9. [News] Google Thrives, So Microsoft Takes Over US Governm    81  163790
  10. "30 things I've learned from using Linux ..."                77  128021
  11. Vista Boot-Up Sequence - Power On, Wait, Download Spyware    76  131084
  12. Linux question....                                           70  160378
  13. Attn: Hadron, DFS, Tim Smith etc You Were Right.             59  123003
  14. Examples of cola advocacy                                    59   64377
  15. Leaving Linux: "I have work to do"                           57   68309
  16. Lynx better than Firefox?                                    54   56561
  17. Lenovo preloading SUSE                                       53   72007
  18. COLA Statistics, 02 Sep 2007                                 51  103126
  19. Rex Ballard and GPL                                          50  113709
  20. Double standards, troll-style                                50   58118
  21. Can we trust Netcraft any more?                              49   62383
  22. Vista ====> PcLinux                                          48   47684
  23. Microsoft Will Endure - Similar To The Day Before Rome Bu    47   78072
  24. Boycott Novell                                               47   65880
  25. Exactly how does Linux suck again?                           46  103688
  26. No Mention Of Linux In Dell Sept Catalog                     43   45437
  27. Microsoft Live Earth                                         42   33586
  28. OT: Joel on software/team quality                            40   56812
  29. The great linux saviour "Palm Foleo" - knifed and killed     37   83855
  30. Hadron Quark lying as usual [Was: The trouble with Linux]    37   55086
  31. Bill Gates Buys Media, Media Attacks Microsoft Rival with    36   48992
  32. [News] Linux Foundation calls for 'respect for Microsoft'    36   28516
  33. Linux users: don't bother applying                           35   46028
  34. People Would Rather Pay For Windows Than Use Linux.          34   85535
  35. Why Linux Is Not Desktop Ready. One Simple Example.          33   34043
  36. Windows Genuine Advantage suffers worldwide outage, probl    33   30500
  37. California's report of Microsoft "remedy"                    32   52576
  38. Rumour: Microsoft Walks Away from Windows                    32   43017
  39. PlayStation3 is Already Outselling XBox360 in Europe, PS2    32   36752
  40. Possible windfall for early buyers of the iPhone             32   23031
  41. waterskidoo=flatfish nym                                     31   38962
  42. Castrater perp reported.                                     31   31346
  43. Kier the Net Nanny                                           31   30459
  44. Wow, GNU/Linux                                               31   27117
  45. Vista Kernel Exposed Via Flaws in ATI Drivers - Fix Far F    30   64155
  46. [News] [Linux] Microsoft's Linux Obsession, Apple Anvy       30   38622
  47. Hadron: the net nanny                                        30   35115
  48. Good article about OSX's coming UNIX Certfication            29   44297
  49. Linux an Audio Production Production Heaven (and It's Fre    29   34065
  50. COLA Stats: Saturday the 18th of August, 2007.               28   47141

A total of 1946 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. KNode                                2453
   2. slrn                                 1370
   3. Pan                                   716
   4. G2                                    697
   5. Microsoft Outlook Express             521
   6. Gnus                                  452
   7. Mozilla                               424
   8. Forte Agent                           172
   9. MT-NewsWatcher                        132
  10. Thunderbird                  126
  11. pan 0.120                             123
  12. 40tude_Dialog                          99
  13. tin                                    77
  14. Microsoft Windows Mail                 64
  15. MicroPlanet-Gravity                    52
  16. Thunderbird                    41
  17. Microsoft-Entourage                    38
  18. Thunderbird                    36
  19. Hogwasher                              27
  20. Xnews                                  25
  21. Sylpheed-Claws 2.6.0                   24
  22. Sylpheed                               23
  23. Thunderbird                   17
  24. X                                      11
  25. MacSOUP/2.8 (Mac OS X                   9
  26. Thoth                                   6
  27. XanaNews                                6
  28. Unison                                  5
  29. COLA Stats                              5
  30. pan 0.119                               2
  31. Thunderbird                    2
  32. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English         2
  33. trn 4.0-test76                          1
  34. pan 0.112                               1
  35. Opera Mail/9.23                         1
  36. ProNews                                 1
  37. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6               1
  38. Microsoft Windows Live Mail             1
  39. NewsHound for Microsoft Outlook v2.     1
  40. Icedove                        1
  41. IBM NewsReader/2                        1

A total of 41 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday      950 ******************************************
Tuesday    1281 ********************************************************
Wednesday  1324 **********************************************************
Thursday   1026 *********************************************
Friday     1351 ************************************************************
Saturday    983 *******************************************
Sunday     1005 ********************************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059   325 ***********************************
0100-0159   299 ********************************
0200-0259   293 ********************************
0300-0359   251 ***************************
0400-0459   200 *********************
0500-0559   155 *****************
0600-0659   111 ************
0700-0759   201 **********************
0800-0859   281 ******************************
0900-0959   302 *********************************
1000-1059   446 ************************************************
1100-1159   547 ************************************************************
1200-1259   491 *****************************************************
1300-1359   489 *****************************************************
1400-1459   479 ****************************************************
1500-1559   373 ****************************************
1600-1659   437 ***********************************************
1700-1759   388 ******************************************
1800-1859   362 ***************************************
1900-1959   346 *************************************
2000-2059   253 ***************************
2100-2159   273 *****************************
2200-2259   296 ********************************
2300-2359   322 ***********************************


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