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Re: Eudora E-mail Program Reborn as Open Source

____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Saturday 08 September 2007 22:18 : \____

> <Quote>
> Qualcomm donates the e-mail program Eudora to the open-source
> community.
> BOSTON (Reuters)-Eudora, a pioneering e-mail program named after
> author Eudora Welty, is rising from a technical grave as an open
> source program after owner Qualcomm Inc quit selling the product in
> May.
> Eudora routinely got strong reviews from computer magazines and had a
> loyal user base, but commercially it was overshadowed by software that
> Microsoft Corp included with new personal computers, International
> Business Machine's Lotus software and Web e-mail programs.
> Qualcomm donated Eudora to the open-source community, which means that
> anybody is free to download and use it without paying for the product.
> Developers can also access the code, change it and share those
> changes.
> </Quote>
> http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,2180649,00.asp

Eveything ends up in the form of open source, which thrives in reuse. This
marks the impact of an unstoppable trend!

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Vista: Windows XP with bling-bling, nothing else
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