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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Leaves Its Software Vulnerable, Many Patches Ahead

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Leaves Its Software Vulnerable, Many Patches Ahead
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2007 13:17:52 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Microsoft drops SharePoint fix

,----[ Quote ]
| The update was to fix an elevation of privilege flaw, which had been 
| rated "important" by Microsoft. This type of flaw can be used to give 
| attackers access to Windows resources that would otherwise be blocked off.  


Coming Tuesday: 5 Microsoft patches

,----[ Quote ]
| Accompanying the above patches will be an update to the Microsoft Windows 
| Malicious Software Removal Tool, and a single high-priority, non-security 
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| update for an unidentified product.  


Watch this!

My first Linux virus?

,----[ Quote ]
| Long story short: I have dual boot (which I never use but my son plays 
| sometimes) and my Linux home directory is mounted using an ext3 driver for 
| Windows. Microsoft asked me to install this Malicious Software Removal Tool 
|                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| which I denied 10 times asking every bloody time NEVER TO INSTALL IT IN THE 
| FUTURE until the 11th was my son that wasn’t even asked but turned it off as 
| he always do and Microsoft stealthily installed this piece of crap in my 
| computer.      
| That’s enough, I’ll spend a fiver and buy a cross-over software to run my 
| son’s games on Linux and remove this crap out of my computer once and for 
| all.  



Microsoft reacts to kernel hacks, defends Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft wasn't much help in figuring out exactly what was beefed up by the 
| PatchGuard update; the accompanying information was extremely vague. The 
| MSRC's release manager, Simon Conant, was just as tight-lipped in a posting 
| to the center's blog. "The update adds additional checks to Kernel Patch 
| Protection for increased reliability, performance, and security," Conant 
| said.     


Spin, spin, spin the security flaw. They called it what it ain't. Not the first
time though...

Skeletons in Microsoft’s Patch Day closet

,----[ Quote ]
| This is the first time I’ve seen Microsoft prominently admit to silently 
| fixing vulnerabilities in its bulletins — a controversial practice that 
| effectively reduces the number of publicly documented bug fixes (for those 
| keeping count) and affects patch management/deployment decisions.   


Beware of undisclosed Microsoft patches

,----[ Quote ]
| Forget for a moment whether Microsoft is throwing off patch counts 
| that Microsoft brass use to compare its security record with those 
| of its competitors. What do you think of Redmond’s silent patching 
| practice?


Microsoft : Arrogance leads to Vulnerability

,----[ Quote ]
| Chatting with the Microsoft senior sales people, I was struck by
| their incredible arrogance. They know the company?s products are good,
| but they have no qualms whatsoever about charging top dollar as a
| result.
| It reminds us how Microsoft used to behave when it comes to their
| products' security records. IE5 and 6 were nothing short of being
| proper Swiss Cheese with loads of holes in them but hey, they had 95%
| of the browser market at that time and couldn't care less.


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