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Re: [News] Powerful Open Source GPU is a Reality (More Details Revealed)

____/ Mark Kent on Friday 07 September 2007 22:24 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> <snip>
>> NVidia will need to follow suit. If not, then all a Linux user needs is this
>> one decent GPU (a series of them) with an open source driver. This is a
>> *huge* milestone for Free software. Open BIOS would be nice too and AMD
>> could start a trend.
> There is an open bios called "linuxbios", I believe.

Yes, I know, but they are still trying to have OEMs use it more extensively.
Here are some recent articles about it:

Google Sponsors the LinuxBIOS project

,----[ Quote ]
| The LinuxBIOS project aims to take down the last barrier in Open
| Source systems by providing a free firmware (BIOS) implementation.


LinuxBIOS ready to go mainstream

,----[ Quote ]
| LinuxBIOS is intended to provide a philosophically free replacement
| for proprietary firmware in chipsets. 


LinuxBIOS with X11 server, completely in Flash ROM

,----[ Quote ]
| All of this in a normal BIOS chip (2 MB), without any hard drive
| connected (who needs hard drives when you can fit everything in the
| BIOS just fine)...


First desktop motherboard supported by LinuxBIOS: GIGABYTE M57SLI-S4

,----[ Quote ]
| The GIGABYTE M57SLI-S4 [1] is the first-ever desktop motherboard
| supported by a Free & Open Source BIOS, thanks to AMD engineer
| Yinghai Lu who released GPL-licensed code last month.


LinuxBIOS: The Forgotten Hero

,----[ Quote ]
| This begs the question: is anyone currently using LinuxBIOS on
| their machines? You bet they are. According to one recent report,
| LinuxBIOS was installed on about one million machines and that
| existing number is expected to rise significantly, assuming the
| rate of growth remains constant.



                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | < http://debian.org >
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
      http://iuron.com - proposing a non-profit search engine

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