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[News] [Rival] Jobs Makes Fun of Zune, Apple Underwhelms Investors

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Jobs Makes Fun of Zune, Apple Underwhelms Investors
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2007 11:43:13 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Apple Slashes iPhone Price And Dials Up An iPhone-Like iPod

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking about the Wi-Fi feature, Jobs made a dig at Microsoft's rival Zune 
| media player. "Some others have done this, and it's failed," he said. "We 
| took a long look at this and think we understand why it failed and think we 
| know what to do to make it successful."   


Techs gain ground; Apple falls on iPhone concerns

,----[ Quote ]
| "Apple's iPhone is suffering from significant strategic and tactical missteps 
| and Apple is probably unlikely to achieve the stated 10 million unit goal by 
| the end of 2008," wrote analyst Trip Chowdhry. "Consumers are questioning the 
| value of Apple's iPhone."   


Here's an article about Google's Linux-based phone. The following is amusing
(unless Google has begun forking and developing its over derivative of Linux):

Getting Inside Google's gPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| So what's really lurking behind those trees? A source familiar with the 
| situation tells BusinessWeek.com that Google may be preparing a new mobile 
| platform, a would-be rival to the Nokia-dominated Symbian OS, 
| Microsoft's  Windows Mobile, mobile Linux, Palm, and other 
| operating systems.    



Five Facts About Google Phone

,----[ Quote ]
| Initially there was one prototype, but over past few months Google has the 
| mobile OS running on 3-to-5 devices, most of them likely made by HTC, a 
| mobile phone maker, and all have Qwerty apps. The model that folks have seen 
| is very similar to the T-Mobile Dash. Around 3GSM, there were rumors that 
| Google, Orange and HTC were working together on mobile devices.    


Linux Sees 'Astronomic' Growth in Mobile Devices

,----[ Quote ]
| "We were very aware that the growth in mobile for Linux was huge, but we 
| didn't know it was so astronomic," Amanda McPherson, marketing director for 
| the Linux Foundation, told LinuxInsider. "These are very encouraging 
| numbers." Why Linux has drawn significant support from the community of 
| handset manufacturers can be explained on several fronts, McPherson said.    


Forget iPhone, the Gphone is here

,----[ Quote ]
| Google, the nearly $13.5 billion search engine major, is believed to be a 
| fortnight away from the worldwide launch of its much-awaited Google Phone 
| (Gphone) and has started talks with service providers in India for an 
| exclusive launch on one of their networks.   


Google spending hundreds of millions on mobile

,----[ Quote ]
| Anian, a Reuters company that tracks industry trends for institutional 
| investors, reported last month that Google had engaged Taiwan's High Tech 
| Computer Corpto design a Linux 
| software-based phone for launch in the first quarter of 2008.   


Closed iPhone opens road for Linux phones

,----[ Summary ]
| With iPhone a closed platform, Linux gets an wide-open road for phones and 
| other smart devices 


My summer fling with iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| So like many a summer fling, the iPhone has left me with a tinge of 
| disappointment. But since I am locked into a long-term relationship, I am 
| trying to make the best of it.  


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