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[News] Linux Gets Hotplugging Support in New X Org Release, Multi-Pointer Support Coming Soon

  • Subject: [News] Linux Gets Hotplugging Support in New X Org Release, Multi-Pointer Support Coming Soon
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:30:50 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
X.org releases version 7.3, gets hotplugging support

,----[ Quote ]
| While support for hotplugging has been a long time coming in X, it may be a 
| few months before any of the Unix desktops have updated their code to take 
| advantage of the new features in the underlying system.  



X.Org 7.4 To Get Multi-Pointer X Support

,----[ Quote ]
| X.Org 7.3 will be released later this month, and now Daniel Stone has updated 
| the X.Org Wiki with a page for the X.Org 7.4 release. With the six month 
| release cycle, X.Org 7.4 is planned for release in February of 2008. Some of 
| the features so far on their planning page includes Multi-Pointer X which 
| provides multiple cursor support...    


Ubuntu 7.10 To Ditch Xserver 1.4

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 8.04 LTS may end up getting X.Org 7.4 with Xserver 1.5.


Linux MPX Multi-touch Table May Become Alternative Microsoft Surface

,----[ Quote ]
| It may not be as fancy-schmancy as Microsoft Surface or Jeff Han's demos but 
| this video of a Linux-based MPX multi-touch table shows that things are 
| moving full speed ahead in the land of the free penguins.  


Multi-touch support for MPX [in Linux]

,----[ Quote ]
| MPX already supported multiple input devices. Which blows pretty much all 
| assumptions in user interfaces (input) out of the water. Now I've gone one 
| step further and added support for multi-touch displays. Have a look at this 
| video...   


Getting Started With Compiz Fusion

,----[ Quote ]
| Some people who are new to Compiz Fusion might like to watch this video to 
| get to know the basic commands and to have a better Compiz Fusion experience. 


Microsoft Rips off Researchers at Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently while on vacation I was flipping channels and came across a 
| channel called “current TV”, what caught my eye was a  computer  booting 
| to Kubuntu. This computer looked remarkably like Microsoft’s new 
| Surface touch table. Funny thing is the reactable has been around 
| over three years and research has been going on much longer than that.


Microsoft Surface idea not that new?

,----[ Quote ]
| An attached PC, running Linux and Reactrix software, calculates the 
| location and movement of an object interrupting the beam and enables
| the system to allow a basic interaction with projected content.


Jeff Han's Research Ripped by Microsoft Surface?

,----[ Quote ]
| Jeff Han, consulting research scientist for NYU's Department of 
| Computer Science, developed a multi-touch interactive graphical 
| interface, which he presented at the TED conference over a year 
| ago. His research turned into its own company, Perceptive Pixel.
| Now it seems Microsoft completely ripped the idea and created 
| Microsoft Surface. 


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