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[News] Desktop Linux Usage Keeps Growing at Windows' Expense

  • Subject: [News] Desktop Linux Usage Keeps Growing at Windows' Expense
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:47:59 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The problems of counting Linux desktops

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's what we know beyond doubt. First, the Linux desktop is gaining in 
| popularity. Second, it's doing so at the expense of the Windows desktop.  


A Linux user group in a Pacific paradise

,----[ Quote ]
| As the fireworks continue to light up the sky, I fall into a happy reverie. 
| These are ordinary guys who love Linux. Some of them use it at work, but most 
| are just enthusiasts who enjoy the freedom and benefits that this alternative 
| operating system provides. And despite all the limitations of a small island 
| nation, such as slow Internet or lack of IT infrastructure, Linux is alive 
| and well here; perhaps not very visible, but still responsible for serving 
| the vast majority of local Web sites, delivering email messages, and 
| connecting thousands of New Caledonians to the world. All thanks to a few 
| motivated individuals who make things happen.        



Linux Users Base More Than doubled Over Last One Year: Survey

,----[ Quote ]
| The number of Linux users has more than doubled over the last one year, says 
| a new survey by DesktopLinux.com. The survey also said Ubuntu remains their 
| Linux distribution of choice.  


Survey: Desktop Linux use grows

,----[ Quote ]
| DesktopLinux.com, which is a Web site devoted to, obviously, desktop Linux, 
| has finished a survey that found more than a doubling of Linux desktop users 
| in the past year.  



How many Linux desktop users are there?

,----[ Quote ]
| So it is that Cherry asks that, "If desktop Linux market data is important to 
| you or your company, please become involved in the statix project and in the 
| deployment of this tool on every distro. I realize that market data can be a 
| double-edged sword, so distro vendors should get those issues on the table 
| early."    


Hard to track Linux stats

,----[ Quote ]
| "The characteristic of open source software is that it is freely available on 
| the network. People are encouraged to download it, use it as many times as 
| they want, modify it to fit their needs, of course, depending upon the open 
| source license."   


Smolt profiles distro hardware use

,----[ Quote ]
| For instance, according to the publicly available stats, 78% of respondents 
| were running Pentium IIIs or equivalents, and 20% x86_64. The dominant 
| language used was US English at 67%, with Japanese a distant second at 6.1%. 
| 34% were running systems with less than half a gigabyte of RAM, 37% were 
| using half to a gigabyte, and 24% over two gigabytes.    


,----[ Quote ]
| "Linux is the default operating [system] on desktops and servers at major
| animation and visual effects studios, with maybe 98 percent [or more]
| penetration," CinePaint Project Manager Robin Rowe told LinuxInsider.


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