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[News] Using a Linux Tablet as a Book Reader

  • Subject: [News] Using a Linux Tablet as a Book Reader
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2007 12:42:46 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Nokia N800 As an EBook Reader Using FBReader

,----[ Quote ]
| Though N800 is an Internet Tablet, it can serve as a very good ebook reader 
| too, for those casual/semi-serious readers who don’t want to invest in a 
| stand-alone ebook reader. At its screen size and resolution, reading ebooks 
| is extremely pleasing on the eye. It supports HTML, PDF, etc formats out of 
| the box; but what truly makes it such a good candidate to be used as an ebook 
| reader is the excellent(read Free) ebook reader software available for it 
| called FBReader.      



Linux alternative to iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| Since the N800 is open source, there are many third party applications which 
| extend its usefulness and fun factor, such as: 
| Pidgin - full-featured internet messaging client, with AIM, MSN, Yahoo and 
| Jabber support 
| Canola - media player with network streaming
| FBReader - e-book reader
| Claws Mail - full-featured email client
| Obscura Photo Manager


Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| As a media player it plays MP3's and other audio formats through surprisingly 
| good sounding speakers for their size, or headphones. It plays MP4 and 
| RealVideo videos, and youtube.  


Review: Nokia N800 now with Skype

,----[ Quote ]
| While I enjoyed using the Nokia N800 prior to the firmware upgrade, once 
| having Skype installed made the unit made the Nokia N800 an almost 
| indispensable tool carry around. Having the ability to make phone calls 
| anywhere in the world from any location that has wireless internet was neat. 
| Furthermore with a SkypeIn plan you can easily receive phone calls from just 
| about any place in the world that has wifi. The addition of having Skype made 
| the Nokia N800 a near cellphone like device.      


First look: Skype for the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| Not only was there an updated version of the Linux-based Internet Tablet OS 
| and significantly-improved hardware, but Nokia also promised us a 
| fully-functional Skype client for the N800. Nearly six months after the 
| tablet's launch, the Skype client has finally arrived.   


Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| In contrast to the 770, Nokia really nailed it with the N800.
| Almost all of the shortcomings have been addressed, making the
| Internet Tablet an absolute pleasure to use. Is it a must-have 
| device? Not really, but I sure enjoy having one.


Nokia adds FM radio to N800 Internet tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| It's not often that a company ships a gizmo with an entire hardware
| feature unremarked upon and unsupported, then later turns it on free
| of charge - but that's what Nokia did with the new N800 Internet
| tablet. They just released a package which enables an FM radio
| tuner in the unit.


A hacker's-eye view of Nokia's N800 Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| This detailed, hands-on review examines Nokia's Linux-based N800
| Internet Tablet first as a consumer electronics device, and then
| as a platform for open source software development. Reviewer
| Jerry Epplin infuses the review with crotchety humor and
| deeply technical insights.


Nokia's New N800 Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| In all, the N800 is a feature-packed and mostly easy-to-use device.


Reviewers converge on new Nokia Internet tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| The N800 shipped Jan. 6 without a peep -- let alone a press release
| -- from Nokia. Nonetheless, the device seems to be attracting more
| interest, at least from the fourth estate, than did the arguably
| more revolutionary 770 Internet tablet from which it evolved. 


Nokia N800 Internet Tablet First Thoughts Review

,----[ Quote ]
| Conclusion
|     * From a software standpoint, I don't think the N800 is a huge
|       step-up from the 770. However, its hardware is noticeably better.
|     * I'm glad to see that Nokia seems committed to making its
|       Internet Tablet line the best that it can be.


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