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[News] [Rival] Windows Security Hell - Another Victim: Bank of India

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Windows Security Hell - Another Victim: Bank of India
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 04:22:51 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Everything was fine, but they must have read Microsoft's 'quick facts' and
changed (at the expense of the customers).

http://toolbar.netcraft.com/site_report?url=http://www.bankofindia.com     Windows Server 2003     Microsoft-IIS/6.0       21-May-2007     Windows 2000            Microsoft-IIS/5.0       22-Jan-2005 Linux   Apache/1.3.27 Unix Red-Hat/Linux PHP/4.1.2 mod_perl/1.24
14-Jan-2003 Linux   Apache/1.3.22 Unix Red-Hat/Linux PHP/4.0.6 mod_perl/1.24
12-Sep-2002 Linux   Apache/1.3.22 Unix Red-Hat/Linux PHP/4.0.1pl2
mod_perl/1.24   27-Jun-2002 Linux   Apache/1.3.12 Unix Red Hat/Linux mod_ssl/2.6.6
OpenSSL/0.9.5a PHP/4.0.1pl2 mod_perl/1.24       28-Jun-2001 unknown Apache/1.3.12 Unix Red Hat/Linux mod_ssl/2.6.6
OpenSSL/0.9.5a PHP/4.0.1pl2 mod_perl/1.24       27-Jun-2001 Linux   Apache/1.3.12 Unix Red Hat/Linux mod_ssl/2.6.6
OpenSSL/0.9.5a PHP/4.0.1pl2 mod_perl/1.24       22-Jan-2001 Linux   Apache/1.3.6 Unix PHP/3.0.7     17-Nov-2000

Here is what happened days ago:

Breaking: Bank of India seriously compromised


How the Online Trust Model is Broken - The Bank of India.com attack

,----[ Quote ]
| Manually entering the addresses into a browser will load some of them, 
| suggesting that those upstream malware sources are active (others have 
| already been shut down).  


That's the Wow! My bank uses Windows as well. This is not just a waste of
customers' money, but when damage strikes, that can become a financial
disaster to the bank (never mind privacy and the customers whose PC has just
been hijacked).

Computer virus turns 25

,----[ Quote ]
| More recently, viruses have been created to steal personal data such as 
| passwords or to create relay stations for making junk e-mail more difficult 
| to trace.  


Yes, that would be zombie PCs. But the Germany government wants back doors and
Microsoft happily gives them.


German constitutional protection authorities foresee "secret service
procurement offensive" 

,----[ Quote ]
| ...if Chinese attackers really had penetrated government computers, this 
| would pose a risk even if no confidential data was involved. "It is possible 
| to find out many things in this way - appointments, responsibilities, who is 
| working  on what - this is the first step in carrying out classical 
| espionage," said  Möller.     


Politicians want to be informed on Chinese Trojan attacks

,----[ Quote ]
| Ruprecht Polenz (CDU), chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, 
| said: "If there is clear evidence that the Chinese state is responsible for 
| these attacks, we cannot let the matter rest." According to a Spiegel report, 
| the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution assumes that 
| experts of the Chinese army have conducted the online espionage attacks 
| against the Federal Chancellery, the ministry of economics, the ministry of 
| research and also the ministry of foreign affairs.      


China Crafts Cyberweapons

,----[ Quote ]
| The Defense Department reports China is building cyberwarfare
| units and developing viruses.


German spyware plans trigger row

,----[ Quote ]
| The e-mails would contain Trojans - software that secretly installs itself on 
| suspects' computers, allowing agents to search the hard drives. 


EU should class cyber attacks as terrorism: Estonia

,----[ Quote ]
| Estonia will propose at a meeting of European Union justice 
| ministers next week that the bloc consider cyber attacks as 
| "acts of terror", Estonian Justice Minister Rein Lang said Thursday.


Tiscali e-mail 'hit' by spammers

,----[ Quote ]
| Spammers have knocked out the e-mail service for many of the customers
| of internet service provider (ISP) Tiscali, the firm has said.


Telegraph floored by DDoS attack

,----[ Quote ]
| Cyber-attacks have been much in the news of late. Last week,
| Russian and European leaders held a summit in the aftermath of a
| three-week cycle of denial of service attacks targeting the
| Baltic countries' internet infrastructure.


Estonia suspects Kremlin in Web attacks

,----[ Quote ]
| He said more than 1 million computers worldwide have been used in
| recent weeks to attack Estonian government and business Web sites
| since a dispute arose with Moscow over Estonia's moving of a
| Soviet-era war memorial from downtown Tallinn.


State Department got mail and hackers

,----[ Quote ]
| A break-in targeting State Department computers worldwide last
| summer occurred after a department employee in Asia opened a
| mysterious e-mail that quietly allowed hackers inside the U.S.
| government's network.


The feds weigh in on Windows security

,----[ Quote ]
| "The benefits of this move are enormous: Common, secure configurations
| can help slow botnet spreading, can radically reduce delays in patching,
| can stop many attacks directly, and organizations that have made the
| move report that it actually saves money rather than costs money,"
| Paller wrote.


Zombie botnets attack global DNS servers

,----[ Quote ]
| Hackers launched a sustained attack last night against key root servers
| which form the backbone of the internet.
| Security firm Sophos said that botnets of zombie PCs bombarded the
| internet's domain name system (DNS) servers with traffic.
| "These zombie computers could have brought the web to its knees,"
| said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.


Botnet 'pandemic' threatens to strangle the net

,----[ Quote ]
| Cerf estimated that between 100 million and 150 million of the
|                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| 600 million PCs on the internet are under the control of hackers,
|                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| the BBC reports.


EveryDNS, OpenDNS Under Botnet DDoS Attack

,----[ Quote ]
| The last time the Web mob (spammers and phishers using botnets)
| decided to go after a security service, Blue Security was forced
| to fold and collateral damage extended to several businesses,
| including Six Apart.


U.S. cyber counterattack: Bomb 'em one way or the other

,----[ Quote ]
| If the United States found itself under a major cyberattack aimed
| at undermining the natio's critical information infrastructure,
| the Department of Defense is prepared, based on the authority of
| the president, to launch a cyber counterattack or an actual 
| bombing of an attack source.


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