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[News] South Africa Continues Consideration of Linux Laptops for Kids

  • Subject: [News] South Africa Continues Consideration of Linux Laptops for Kids
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 23:45:00 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Govt minister goes geek for FOSS day

,----[ Quote ]
| Armed with a One Laptop Per Child computer and kitted out in a Geek Freedom 
| League t-shirt, South African deputy minister of science and technology, 
| Derek Hanekom, opened Saturday's Software Freedom Day event at the 
| departmental offices in Pretoria.   


Government eyes out One Laptop per Child



One Laptop Per Child to begin SA pilot

,----[ Quote ]
| Although the roll-out date for One Laptop Per Child’s (OLPC) 
| low-cost machine has been put back until October 2007, OLPC is
| using a limited number of trial machines to run pilots to gain 
| experience of how it will work in the local context.


One Laptop sighted in Cape Town

,----[ Quote ]
| The laptop, a beta version of the final product, sports a green
| casing, a liquid-proof keyboard, a couple of dust covers for the
| ports and the Sugar operating system which is based on Fedora Core 6.


Debate widens over over deploying computers in the developing world

,----[ Quote ]
| The controversy boiled over on Saturday at a meeting where Craig
| Barrett, chairman of Intel, squared off with Nicholas Negroponte,
| the former director of the MIT Media Laboratory and head of the
| nonprofit organization One Laptop Per Child, which is focusing
| on the 1.2 billion children in the developing world.
`----    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


SA Government's OSS plans revealed

,----[ Quote ]
| Migration of current systems is also planned. This will be done in a phased 
| approach, beginning with applications such as replacing MS Office with Open 
| Office or KOffice and replacing Internet Explorer with Firefox. This will in 
| time lead up to the operating system, replacing Windows with a Linux 
|                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| distribution. Migration to Apache for the running of government websites has 
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
| already occurred within a number of departments.     


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