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Re: [News] Linux Beats Vista "Ultimate" Edition to It (Animated Wallpaper)

[H]omer :
> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> Screensaver as a Desktop Wallpaper
>> http://geekhacks.com/2007/09/13/screensaver-as-a-desktop-wallpaper/
> Ooh that's /old/. X11 has been able to run screensavers in the root
> window as long as I can remember. In fact you can display pretty much
> anything you want in the root window, including video if you want. The
> same thing goes for the root console, using fbdev/vidix (you don't even
> need to run X11 to watch a video).

Yep, I think I discovered this functionality in about 200[12]. Still a
very cool trick.

> You mean ... Windows /still/ can't do any of that? That's Lame.

Kids, don't gross me off ... "Adventures with MENTAL HYGIENE" can be
carried too FAR!


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