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[News] Last Nail on the Coffin... Kimball Gives SCO the Boot as Well

  • Subject: [News] Last Nail on the Coffin... Kimball Gives SCO the Boot as Well
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:15:26 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Kimball Denies SCO's Motion for Reconsideration/Clarification

,----[ Quote ]
| When it rains, it pours, they say. First, SCO files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy 
| protection, and now on the same day Judge Dale Kimball has denied SCO's 
| Motion for Reconsideration or Clarification of the August 10, 2007 Order.  


Stick a fork in SCO. They're done.

,----[ Quote ]
| If, and that one heck of an if, SCO abandons its losing Linux litigation 
| efforts and its enemies allow it to survive, then and only then will SCO ever 
| emerge alive out of bankruptcy. What I really expect to happen is for SCO to 
| go out of business sometime in the next year.   


Many SCO customers might possibly just migrate to Linux now. More market share
for Free software.


SCO Tried to Gag Groklaw in 2004

,----[ Quote ]
| So SCO tried to gag Groklaw beginning in 2004. It moved on to
| false insinuations to journalists, ugly innuendo during a conference
| about me and Groklaw, having friendly journalists with PIs try to
| dig up dirt on me, a massive astroturfing campaign all over the
| internet, and then finally to intimidation with their recent motion.
| Well, I'm gagging, all right, but not in a good way, and certainly
| not in the way SCO hoped.
| I will respond like this, seriously for a moment. This is America.
| I am an American citizen. I was born here, born to certain rights
| as my birthright. I'm allowed to cover this litigation without
| being harassed and intimidated or threatened or gagged. I'm
| allowed to present facts that disprove SCO's public allegations.
| I am allowed to write what I believe is the truth, and I'm 
| to present research about the allegations.


Can Microsoft get its $12 million back from SCO?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft played matchmaker back in 2003 when SCO needed money to help fund 
| its lawsuits agains IBM and various other Linux players and customers. 
| Microsoft suggested that hedge fund BayStar Capital invest $50 million in 
| SCO.   
| Microsoft also backed SCO’s play to convince other vendors and customers to 
| license SCO’s technology to avoid potential infringement lawsuits. (Maybe 
| that’s where Microsoft got its patent-licensing ideas ...)  
| One of the first companies to snap up two SCO licenses was Microsoft, to the 
| tune of $12 million, according to BusinessWeek. Sun Microsystems and Computer 
| Associates also bought into SCO’s plan.  


The Goldfarb Declaration - Updated: MS Statement

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the Declaration, Richard Emerson was not the only
| Microsoft employee Goldfarb was dealing with in connection with the
| BayStar investment in SCO. He mentions by name two others, from two
| other departments.


,----[ Quote ]
| "There you have it. At least a third of SCO's entire market
| capitalization, and their entire current cash reserves, is payoffs
| funnelled from Microsoft. Their 10Qs reveal that every other line of
| cash inflow is statistical noise by comparison. The brave new
| SCO source business model is now clear: sue your customers, shill
| for Microsoft, kite your stock, and pray you stay out of jail."


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