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[News] OpenSolaris to Face Challenges Before Its Can Compete Against Linux

  • Subject: [News] OpenSolaris to Face Challenges Before Its Can Compete Against Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:53:07 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Sun's OpenSolaris push impeded by myths, bugs

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux "lets me run all my Microsoft applications," he said. "I can run 
| Office. I can run Outlook, all the things that I have to run. ... It's not as 
| easy on Solaris. It would be a real difficult set of obstacles I'd have to 
| overcome."   
| Another OpenSolaris problem: lack of support for Apple Firewire. "At some 
| point we need to figure out what to do there," said Dave Miner, senior staff 
| engineer at Sun.   


Catchup work ahead.


Morton: no merging of OpenSolaris with Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Don’t expect to see key features of OpenSolaris showing up in the Linux 
| kernel, said a top  Linux maintainer. 


Sun's 'Project Copy Linux' not a Linux copy

,----[ Quote ]
| Murdock also refused to talk about Sun's FISHworks project – billed as a 
| NetApp killer. 
| Sun has put some of its top Solaris engineers in charge of a 
| software/hardware effort meant to create a solid network attached storage 
| (NAS) appliance. The company demoed this project to analysts early this year, 
| although it refuses to give reporters the same honor.   
| We did track down Adam Levanthal, one of the FISHworks leads and co-authors 
| of DTrace, at OSCON. He revealed that the product should ship early next year 
| and that it includes some special sauce above Solaris for handling storage.  
| "I'm not going to talk to you about it more than that," he said, rather 
| bluntly. 
| Why not just slap us in the face? 


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