One total asshole over in comp.os.linux.advocacy posts thousands of
messages a month to the group and very few get replies except from his
shills, Homer, Mark Kent and William Poaster.
Another poster posts a couple of messages with topics like 'Linux is
free, Windows is not' and 'People would rather pay for Windows than
get Linux for free' and instantly they get hundreds of replies while
the so called Linux advocates messages get 3 at best replies and those
three are the same three people talking to each other.
Don't believe it?
Go look for yourself.
Linux advocacy is deader than yesterday's news about Brittany Spears.
She bombed at the MTV awards in case you have not heard.
BTW here is that posters google stats, which are sicko if you ask me,
get a life already:
Post Activity
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2004 44 99 78
2005 222 142 179 254 116 305 398 664 579 547 457 367
2006 373 950 1654 631 1923 1868 1855 2041 2166 1470 1715
2007 2159 1953 2137 1871 1878 1482 1707 1497 257
I guess he had to work as a fresher fluffer in Sept so he is behind
the 'Mark', literally....
Like I said, sick.