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Re: [News] Novell's Michael Meeks -- Another OOXML Embracer (Like Miguel "Superb Standar^Hd" de Icaza)

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ____/ Peter Köhlmann on Friday 28 September 2007 09:47 : \____
< snip >

>> http://boycottnovell.com/2007/09/05/silverlight-mono-novell/#comment-1949
>>>> So what? Doesn't prove your point one iota.
>>> There was an interview before that (the one which I refer to in the
>>> reply to Stephane. Some of Novell staff obediently follows a strategy
>>> that is self destructive, IMHO.
>> In other words, there was *another* interview (one you have not yet
>> linked to?) which equally does not support your claim?
>> Well, I certainly can't await for your misrepresenting it too in your
>> mindless hatred for Novell
> No, I actually like Novell, but I'm worried about what they did and I hope
> they can reverse/retract. Every Saturday I still post material in defence
> of Novell. As far as the deal goes, it's all against Novell.

That is *your* as of yet completely unsupported claim.
How about providing *any* proof at all for this bullshit?

For starters, how about providing the link to teh page that substantiates
that "Michael Meeks is another OOXML embracer" instead of simply
misrepresenting what is found on the link you provided?
>> Don't you recognize what you are doing here, Roy? You hate Novell with a
>> passion (that GPL3-cult thing you adore so much), and in this mindless
>> hatred you react exactly like DumbFullShit, "linux-sux", flatfish and
>> other assorted windows using scum. You are not a tiny little shred better
>> than them when you post your Novell-drivel
> I have no affiliation with the FSF (neither a mental tie, nor a
> membership). I care about being able to run on Free softwar (e.g. Linux)
> and the GPL is needed for this. Novell turns Linux into what Windows is.

Yeah, right. 


> It's just a proprietary stack on top of open source foundations. And
> patents, and technology Microsoft controls...
> *sigh*
> I added a new page this morning and I hope it succinctly explains why the
> deal is horrid. http://boycottnovell.com/no-to-novell/

Yes. You certainly /like/ Novell. It oozes out of every post you make
Just out of curiosity does this actually mean something or have some
of the few remaining bits of your brain just evaporated?

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