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[News] Healthcare Craves Free Software

Today?s Debate: Is open source the cure for health care?

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source is the cure for what ails health care IT, according to Bruce 
| Wilder. 



Article Slams e-Clinical Works, favors WorldVistA

,----[ Quote ]
| "...Health insurers and medical software companies, not subject to such 
| regulations, have provided free software and hardware directly to providers. 
| New York City recently awarded a $19.8 million contract to a proprietary EHR 
| vendor, which will permit the city's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 
| to provide free software to physicians and clinics to be used for care of 
| patients... But it is a safe bet that additional products and services won't 
| be provided free indefinitely.      


McKesson First to Offer Red Hat Enterprise Healthcare Platform

,----[ Quote ]
| As a leading provider of technology solutions to the healthcare
| industry, McKesson has been at the forefront of innovative
| technologies, deploying many of its advanced Horizon Clinicals
| applications on Linux running on Intel-based hardware. Hospitals
| with these deployments have already realized cost savings of up
| to 60% compared with traditional system deployments.


Medical site is on a mission to set records

,----[ Quote ]
| The company is set to announce a deal today with Google Inc. to
| offer physicians and medical groups a Web-based digital medical
| records system at no cost. The service will be funded by advertising.


The Next Round Of Microsoft Vs. Linux: Health Care

,----[ Quote ]
| Both camps are making waves in the industry, which is poised for
| dramatic IT growth 
| [...]
| Red Hat, the largest business Linux distributor, is teaming up 
| with the health care sector's largest company, McKesson, an $88
| billion-a-year pharmaceutical and IT supplier. Red Hat will
| provide a core of Linux and JBoss software geared to run
| McKesson's clinical applications.


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