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[News] Jon "maddog" Hall Talks About the Benefits of Linux to the Environment

  • Subject: [News] Jon "maddog" Hall Talks About the Benefits of Linux to the Environment
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:24:22 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Looking for Algae--the Next Voyage

,----[ Quote ]
| The Linux Foundation has developed a new initiative to work on power 
| management. This is good news. Linux can become (along with the choice for 
| supercomputing, embedded systems and server farms) the "green operating 
| system". We should help both the Linux Foundation and Linux move along this 
| path, if not just to save ourselves money in electricity    
| and cooling, if not to help those "off the grid", then to help save the 
| algae. 



Confessions! Jon 'maddog' Hall tells all!

,----[ Quote ]
| By switching to a Linux-based thin client, argued Hall, energy can be saved
| by running applications on machines that use only a fraction of power
| required by full desktops.


developerWorks Interviews: Jon "Maddog" Hall

,----[ Quote ]
| Renowned open source advocate waxes philosophical about Linux,
| open source, education, consumerism, and more


,----[ Quote ]
|     Q: You say that "you can bet your business on Free Software"; how do you
| back up that statement?
|     A: How can you bet your business on proprietary software? If a company is
| bought, goes bankrupt or merges or decides to delete a product line you have
| no choice but to go with whatever product or path they desire. How can you
| plan when the company keeps changing its licensing terms, and you have no
| real alternatives? What do you do when the company that makes your software
| puts its own profits and its values ahead of yours, the customer? When the
| software company holds back on releasing the latest bug fix so it fits its
| "release schedule?" When you can't get that one little feature added that
| would allow you to streamline your business, save a lot of money and beat
| your competition to market?
|     What happens if that company (no matter where it is) is embargoed?
|     Jon "Maddog" Hall,
|     President, Linux International,
|     ComputerWorld interview 


Report: Linux, open source greener than Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| A new report from the U.K. Office of Government Commerce about Open
| Source Software Trials in Government, has found that servers running
| Linux could combat the rising problem of e-waste because they last
| up to twice as long as machines running Windows.


Use GNU/Linux and help save the planet

,----[ Quote ]
| Are Windows users, not by choice, the worst polluters of the planet
| relative to GNU/Linux? Well, not intentionally but the lifecycle of
| a machine running Windows must be shorter than that of a
| conscientious Linux user who can prevent that old 400MHZ Celeron PC
| with 128MBs of memory gathering dust in the corner from heading for
| the scrapheap. 
| [...]
| The Chinese have a saying: the journey of a thousand miles begins
| with the first step. Reusing a puffing and wheezing old computer
| by installing a minimal GNU/Linux distro and staving off the day
| when it trudges forlornly to the scrapheap is at least a baby step
| in the right direction.


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