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[News] Debian GNU/Linux Tops Most Influential GNU/Linux Distributions, RMS Talks About Free Software

  • Subject: [News] Debian GNU/Linux Tops Most Influential GNU/Linux Distributions, RMS Talks About Free Software
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:15:05 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The 7 Most Influential GNU/Linux Distributions

,----[ Quote ]
| GNU/Linux offers a bewildering variety of flavors -- or distributions, as 
| they're called. To a newcomer's eye, many of these seem virtually identical 
| to each other.  
| Yet, the more you learn about a distribution and the community that surrounds 
| it, the more different they become. Here, in alphabetical order, is a list of 
| the seven distributions that have most affected GNU/Linux as a whole...  


On the Front Lines with Richard Stallman

,----[ Quote ]
| Working at the MIT AI lab in the 70s gave me the experience of living in a 
| free software community. However, from time to time I got a nasty whiff of 
| the restrictions of proprietary software, and I did not like it.  
| In 1982, when the old community died, and I faced the prospect of a life of 
| using and developing proprietary software. It was so disgusting that I 
| refused to stand for it. I decided to escape.  
| [Interviewer:] What did you do to escape?
| Those events did not happen instantly. It took about a year, and my manner of 
| escaping was developing GNU. 



In praise of the GPLv3

,----[ Quote ]
| When Stallman released the final draft of GPLv3 on June 1, he told me he had 
| decided to include a cut-off date in paragraph 7 of section 11 of the draft 
| to make it possible for Novell to continue to distribute software covered 
| under GPLv3 as part of its deal with Microsoft. In other words, the man was 
| being merciful to a company which has sought to pervert the GPL. He was being 
| anything but a software Talib (for the uninformed that's the singular of the 
| collective noun Taliban).      


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