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Re: [News] [Rival] Apple Shows the World It Does Not Like Developers (Unless It's Self-serving)

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Ofc. Michael Clayton
on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:46:40 -0400
> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:1355733.XzYUqgCxqV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Apple's options for stopping open source iPhone use
>> ,----[ Quot ]
>> | While Apple isn't going to passively watch while others develop 
>> open-source
>> | programs for its devices, it isn't clear how aggressively the company 
>> plans
>> | to go after hackers. Steve Jobs called the back-and-forth battle between
>> | Apple and hackers a "a cat-and-mouse game" where "people will try to 
>> break
>> | in, and it's our job to stop them breaking in," but he didn't give 
>> specific
>> | details on what the company planned to do.
>> `----
> BFD - Do you think Sony lets anyone write games for the PS3 or do they need 
> to be "approved" first?
> Perhaps spammers like you get upset over this but consumers like it because 
> it ensures *quality* and compatibility between applications.

That argument didn't fly very well in the 1980's either. :-P

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Linux sucks efficiently, but Windows just blows around
a lot of hot air and vapor.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

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