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[News] More Linux on More Devices (Atom, Touch-enabled Tablets)

Embedded Linux to support Atom processor
,----[ Quote ]
| "Devices have been successfully deployed using MontaVista Linux on Intel 
| processors for many years," said Jonathan Luse, director of marketing, Low 
| Power Embedded Products Division, Intel. "MontaVista's support of the new 
| low-power Intel Atom processor Z500 series will enable many innovative new 
| devices for the embedded market."    


Nokia 'Tube' seen as iPhone challenger

,----[ Quote ]
| He said Nokia has already released more than a dozen touch-based wireless 
| devices running on Linux, such as the N810 and the N800. 



,----[ Quote ]
| Around 98% of the world's CPUs manufactured are used in embedded systems.



PCs being pushed aside in Japan

,----[ Quote ]
| The PC's role in Japanese homes is diminishing, as its once-awesome monopoly 
| on processing power is encroached by gadgets such as smart phones that act 
| like pocket-size computers, advanced Internet-connected game consoles, 
| digital video recorders with terabytes of memory.   


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