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[News] Schneier on NSA Linux, Microsoft's Anti-competitive Pseudo-security

NSA's Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| So, do you trust it or not?
| [...]
| The packaged form of SELinux, as seen in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and other 
| distributions, is already working. 
| SELinux mitigations -- http://www.tresys.com/selinux.html -- 2 each for 2005 
| and 2006, up to 4 in 2007 (including a big Samba vulnerability) and already 1 
| in 2008. More here: http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2008/022408-selinux.html  
| Posted by: Don Marti at April 8, 2008 02:09 PM
| [...]
| I trust it. It is GPL, has been reviewed by many, and it works. I think it 
| should be the job of the government/NSA to help us secure our computers *in 
| open and transparent ways*. It benefits the economy and the nation as a whole 
| to have more secure infrastructure. I liken it to the national highway 
| system. It is in everyone's interest both military and civilian.    
| Posted by: Tracy R Reed at April 8, 2008 02:47 PM


Schneier suspicious of Microsoft's security vision

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking at the RSA conference in San Francisco this week, a senior Microsoft 
| executive sang the praises of the software giant's emerging vision 
| for 'trust' based security, prompting one industry figurehead to label the 
| strategy as "anti-competitive".   



Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| A couple of years ago you reiterated that IBM was Microsoft's biggest 
| competitor and you said not just on the business side, but overall. If I ask 
| you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?  
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have 
| to go with that. 


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