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[News] Red Hat Starts Fighting Against Software Patents More Aggressively

Red Hat Asks Federal Court To Limit Patents On Software

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, Red Hat took a public stand challenging the standards for patenting 
| software. In the Biliski case that is now before the Federal Circuit Court of 
| Appeals, this patent issue is ripe for consideration. In a friend of the 
| court brief submitted to the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in the Bilski 
| case today, Red Hat describes the special problems that patents pose for open 
| source and seeks modification of the standards for patentable subject matter 
| that take open source into account. Here is a quick summary of our brief.      


Is This the Start of Red Hat 2.0?

,----[ Quote ]
| Let's hope this statement on the Bilski case is the first sign of a new, more 
| assertive Red Hat that takes its rightful place as one of the key voices in 
| the open source world - one that can make some much-needed countervailing 
| noise to the high-level, and high-quality FUD being emitted by the Microsoft 
| PR machine. Heaven knows, it's taken long enough.    



Q&A: New Red Hat boss targets virtualization, execution as keys to future

,----[ Quote ]
| You have a strong business background, is signing a cross-patent licensing 
| deal with Microsoft still bad business for Red Hat? 
| If we knew what kind of patent issues we had that would be helpful. So it is 
| hard to have productive conversation if we don't know what they are.  


Microsoft, the art of Corporate Terrorism.

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft, no longer the technological leader in the Computer Desktop
| market, is taking on a terrorist role in its attempt remain in power
| at all costs. (see the link to the CNN story below)
| The tactic is intended to frighten current, and would be, free 
| software users away from products that Microsoft just can't compete
| with. It's not a new tactic, but for the first time desperation is
| beginning to show.


Convicted Monopolist Terrorizes Software Industry

,----[ Quote ]
| That headline is designed to grab your attention. Sensationalistic as
| it may be, it also happens to be true, if what you mean by 'terrorize'
| is to provoke fear.
| If you've been following the presidential race in the United States,
| you know the present crop of candidates have been exploiting the fear
| of the American people as they never have before in the history of
| the country.


Mark Webbink On: The Patent Promise

,----[ Quote ]
| This week, former Red Hat General Counsel, Mark Webbink, discusses how Red 
| Hat’s patent promise was developed to combat patent trolling. 


Mark Webbink On: GPLv3

,----[ Quote ]
| This week Mark Webbink, former Red Hat General Counsel discusses the GPLv3 
| and talks about the limits of sharing, the mellowing out of Linus Torvalds,  
| and issues with the LGPLv3. 


Patent Sanity
By Mark H. Webbink

,----[ Quote ]
| For years, many in the software industry have expressed concern over software 
| and business method patents and the patent system.  


Mark Webbink Joins Board of Software Freedom Law Center

,----[ Quote ]
| This is good news, that Mark Webbink has joined the board of the Software 
| Freedom Law Center. Good news for the FOSS community. For him, I think the 
| idea of a laid back, restful retirement is now just a dream.  


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