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[News] Google App Engine Introduced with Python at the Core

Google Jumps Head First Into Web Services With Google App Engine

,----[ Quote ]
| One current limitation is a requirement that applications be written in 
| Python, a popular scripting language for building modern web apps (Ruby and 
| PHP are among others widely used). Google says that Python is just the first 
| supported language, and that the entire infrastructure is designed to be 
| language neutral.    


Python Fans Take Aim at the Enterprise

,----[ Quote ]
| After years in the shadows, the open source Python programming language is 
| becoming increasingly mainstream. There are more users and more tools. 
| Backers of Python now argue that Python is ready for the enterprise.  
| [...]
| "Many businesses see the software development world in terms of Visual Basic, 
| Java, and C/C++/C#. Some simply aren't aware of Python, yet, " Goodger 
| argued. "Any competent programmer can easily learn Python and be productive 
| within a few hours or days at most."    



Don't use Emacs, says Java's father

,----[ Quote ]
| Known in the development world as the father of Java, Sun Microsystems' vice 
| president and fellow James Gosling has urged coders to stop using the 
| antiquated Emacs text editor and move to a more modern IDE like Sun's own 
| open source NetBeans.   


Sun hires two key Python developers

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun Microsystems Inc. is looking to bolster its position in the Python 
| programming realm through the hiring of two prominent developers. 


Of relevance:

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has warned Google to steer clear of corporate search,
| declaring that the market is "our house"....
| "Those people are not going to be allowed to take food off our plate,
|                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| because that is what they are intending to do."


,----[ Quote ]
| Besides the fact that all of the Microsoft employees I have ever encountered 
| must have been brainwashed. I don’t know where they dig these people up. 
| [...]
| And if they AREN’T brainwashing them, then they are just hiring incompetant, 
| pompous dumbasses. And if either is the case, why should anyone support their 
| company?  



Google Apps' challenge to Microsoft Office

,----[ Quote ]
| "Blended or intermittent access to the network is going to make Google Docs 
| more feasible for IT managers than it was before," said David Mitchell, 
| senior vice-president of IT Research at Ovum.  


Is the ride getting bumpy for Microsoft Office?

,----[ Quote ]
| Life in the world of Office Suites is getting into the fast lane with speed 
| that is simply overwhelming. With newer players flirting with newer 
| technologies and the Open Source getting collaborative like never before the 
| world of Office Suites is seeing many changes.  The undisputable market 
| leader is Microsoft Office with almost 85% share but noteworthy is Sun 
| Microsystems like yesteryears isn't the only challenger. Google Docs, 
| ThinkFree.com, Zoho.com recently launched InstaColl.com's Live-Documents.com 
| are just few of the suites challenging Microsoft's cash cow Microsoft Office.       


Google Docs offline illustrates open source maturity

,----[ Quote ]
| Zoho has also sought to differentiate itself by quickly releasing a mobile 
| edition of its software. But rather than focusing on Zoho’s efforts, Vembu 
| wanted to emphasize what Google’s open source decision means to the 
| development process.   
| “It is sometimes hard to believe that the entire space is just over 2 years 
| old, considering how far things have come. This pace will continue, even 
| intensify, over the next few months.”  


Google mounts fresh assault on Microsoft Word

,----[ Quote ]
| The new offline capability of Google's word processor brings it into direct 
| competition with Microsoft Word 


Google Docs Neutralizes Microsoft Office With Offline Access

,----[ Quote ]
| Google Docs' new offline access feature neutralizes a big advantage of 
| Microsoft's Office old school desktop centric productivity suite, according 
| to solution providers.  
| By taking a page out of the Microsoft playbook and offering offline acess, 
| Google has in one fell swoop opened the door for Google Docs to be embraced 
| by a new group of office productivity workers, said Tyler Dikman, the CEO of 
| Cooltronics, a Tampa, Fla. solution provider.    


Google brings offline access to Docs and Apps

,----[ Quote ]
| Gears is currently supported in Internet Explorer 6 and above and Firefox 1.5 
| and above for Windows XP and Vista, according to Google. Firefox 1.5 and 
| above is also supported on Mac OS X 10.2 and above and Linux.


Google hopes Apps will help against Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| "A lot of the market has been lulled into thinking that Microsoft was the 
| only product for most anything," Girouard said. "In reality, I think our 
| products make a lot more sense, especially when you're working in a team 
| environment."   
| [...]
| Genentech, Cardinal Health and Proctor & Gamble are among the large companies 
| testing the service. 


CIA enlists Google's help for spy work

,----[ Quote ]
| US intelligence agencies are using Google's technology to help its agents 
| share information about their suspects 


Microsoft caves, in part, to online computing

,----[ Quote ]
| So it is with great pleasure that the following observation...
| "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you 
| win," attributed to Mahatma Gandi is also true about high tech vendors and 
| how they react to upstart competition.  



Google manager: Google Apps replaced Microsoft Office at 100,000 businesses

,----[ Quote ]
| Google's newly released online productivity suite Google Apps has
| already replaced Microsoft Office at more than 100,000 small to
| medium enterprises and has been deployed at two of the largest
| companies in the world, according to the search leader's
| enterprise product boss.


Dumping Office for Google Apps

,----[ Quote ]
| Google has a friend in Disney, and that could leave Microsoft screaming
| like a jilted lover.


FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office For Google And Linux Combo 

,----[ Quote ]
| Bowen said he's in talks with the aviation safety agency's main
| hardware supplier, Dell Computer, to determine if it could
| deliver Linux-based computers capable of accessing Google
| Apps through a non-Microsoft browser once the FAA's XP-based
| computers pass their shelf life.


Can Google and Linux Topple Microsoft?

,----[ Quote ]
| The story had a certain flair. In early March, the chief information
| officer of the Federal Aviation Administration, David Bowen, was
| reportedly considering forsaking Microsoft Windows and Office in
| favor of the Linux operating system and the Web-based Google Apps
| Premium office suite.


Microsoft's Last Big Beat: Internet Domination or Death

,----[ Quote ]
| What can $44.6B USD mean? Well, for Microsoft (MSFT) it may mean the cost of 
| survival. 


Apps vs. Office: Google Ups the Ante

,----[ Quote ]
| So apparently do some 100,000 small businesses and organizations that use 
| Google's productivity and communications software. Even larger corporations, 
| such as General Electric  and Procter & Gamble , are becoming adherents.   


Three Minutes With Google's Apps Manager

,----[ Quote ]
| This move, which puts it in direct competition with software
| heavyweights like Microsoft, builds on Google's first steps as
| an enterprise vendor years ago when it launched its firs
| enterprise search product.


Google Apps Catches Flak

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is launching an anti-Google propaganda campaign.


Microsoft Retaliates With 10 Reasons Not To Use Google Apps

,----[ Quote ]
| This, of course, brought Google even closer to rivaling Microsoft's Office 
| suite, which has now spurred a reaction from the Redmond software giant. 
| No, its not new software or updates for the popular productivity suite, but 
| rather Microsoft's own reasoning on why businesses should NOT use Google 
| Apps.  


Will Google Loosen Microsoft's Grip on Large Enterprise?

,----[ Quote ]
| It’s got to be frustrating to sit in Redmond today and watch the world go by 
| without having much of a grip on it anymore. 


Out of the office

,----[ Quote ]
| Nobody's better at defending its turf than Microsoft of course, so this will 
| not be a quick or easy war. 


Python upgrades readied for 2008

,----[ Quote ]
| Developers of the Python programming language are working concurrently on two 
| upgrades to the core platform, both to arrive in 2008, representatives of 
| Python said Wednesday.  


Python Magazine Lives

,----[ Quote ]
| There are columnists, there are tech editors, there are authors. Articles 
| have been commissioned. Logos and trademarks are in place. The design team is  
| rocking, the contract team is rolling, and the emails are flying. In the 
| background, the sound of constant typewriter activity can be heard, just like 
| on those old newscasts from the old Cronkite days. Exciting times!   


Python Enters KDE SVN with Guidance

,----[ Quote ]
| Guidance was originally developed for Mandrake Linux and is now
| used by default in Kubuntu. It is hoped that moving it to KDE
| Extragear will encourage testing and development on other
| distributions. Guidance requires PyKDE Extensions as well
| as the PyKDE bindings themselves.


One Laptop Per Child kicks off PyCON 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| Krstic himself mentioned only a little bit about the impact of 100
| million children being exposed to laptop computers and the internet,
| let alone a view source key inviting them to learn one of the most
| powerful free software oriented programming languages in one of the
| most powerful free software operating systems.


Python slithers to 'significant' release

,----[ Quote ]
| The open source community this week hailed the most significant update
| to Python in five years.
| Python 2.5 contains major improvements in reliability, performance
| and efficiency, according to release manager Anthony Baxter.


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