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Re: [News] Amarok Beats iTunes, Features-wise

On 2008-04-05, Ezekiel <a@xxxxx> wrote:
> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:1354243.hllUsPHVgm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> [Sarcasm] Why I Really Hate Linux: Substitute Applications
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Kidding aside (I know I'm 3 days late), Amarok seriously does have all 
>> these
>> | features. In addition, I'm running 4 scripts (911tabs, Tag Clouds, BPM 
>> Calc,
>> | and amaKode), and it still takes up less RAM than iTunes did on Windows.
>> | Plus, it has support for dynamic and static playlists like iTunes, along 
>> with
>> | a tagging system. Everything in it is very tightly integrated, as well.
>> `----
>> http://distrogue.blogspot.com/2008/04/why-i-really-hate-linux-substitute.html
> Well it's certainly just about "the features" - Who cares if a craplication 
> like "Amarok" is unstable, ugly and confusing to use. iTunes simply works 

    ...you will have to be a bit more precise than that.

    Vague rhetoric is not a rebuttal.

> great and is used by millions and millions of people around the world. 
> Amarok is some hackware that tries to cram everything including the kitchen 
> sink into a undecipherable mess. 

     If you think that an 80G disk can hold HUNDRENDS of           |||
hours of DV video then you obviously haven't used iMovie either.  / | \

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