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[News] GNU/Linux Practically Too Secure to Be Believable

Factors in Making Linux Happen

,----[ Quote ]
| The Windows MindSet Reigns Supreme
| Without exception, each user balked at the fact that they were beginning 
| their Linux use without the benefit of anti-virus or anti-spyware 
| applications. Not one of them could immediately grasp the concept that they 
| were imune to windows viruses. Neither could they fathom the fact that Linux 
| had not seen a virus in the wild since 1994. So ingrained into them was 
| the "viral experience", that the idea of operating without "protection" was 
| ludicrous.      
| Four out of the ten had been attacked by one or more viruses and our visit 
| with them was predicated on that damaged system. I took the time to download 
| the exact same virus instrument that had infected their computer and 
| downloaded it to their desktop. With them sitting next to me, I executed 
| the .exe file (in one case, the wack-a-mole game) and showed them that it had 
| no effect on the machine. It was truly apples and oranges. Still, many 
| proceeded on my word alone, never fully understanding at that time how this 
| could be possible. Simply telling them "you are imune" didn't do a bit of 
| good. They just couldn't get their head around it.        



With Vista breached, Linux unbeaten in hacking contest

,----[ Quote ]
| The MacBook Air went first; a tiny Fujitsu laptop running Vista was hacked on 
| the last day of the contest; but it was Linux, running on a Sony Vaio, that 
| remained undefeated as conference organizers ended a three-way computer 
| hacking challenge Friday at the CanSecWest conference.   


Bots rule in cyberspace

,----[ Quote ] 
| USA TODAY REPORTS that on an average day, 40 per cent of the 800 million 
| computers connected to the Internet are bots used to send out spam, viruses 
| and to mine for sensitive personal data.  


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