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[News] A Look at Fedora 9 Beta with KDE4 Preinstalled (Screenshots), dwm 4.9 Released

  • Subject: [News] A Look at Fedora 9 Beta with KDE4 Preinstalled (Screenshots), dwm 4.9 Released
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2008 15:37:26 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Fedora 9 KDE Rawhide

,----[ Quote ]
| The beta of Fedora 9 was released just short of two weeks ago, but the Fedora 
| Project has released new Rawhide snapshots of Fedora in its live form. No 
| installation DVDs are being made available due to bugs, but there are 
| 2008-04-04 Rawhide snapshos for both the GNOME and KDE LiveCDs. The KDE spin 
| is already upgraded against the just-released KDE 4.0.3 release, which most 
| noticeably has KHTML, KWin, and Okular improvements. Here's a few screenshots 
| from Fedora 9 Live KDE (2008-04-04 Rawhide).      


dwm 4.9 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| "dwm is a dynamic window manager for X. It manages windows in tiled and 
| floating layouts. Either layout can be applied dynamically, optimizing the 
| environment for the application in use and the task performed. It is the 
| little brother of wmii." And version 4.9 has been released.   



Fedora 9 Alpha Preview

,----[ Quote ]
| On this Super Tuesday here in the United States, Red Hat has this morning 
| released the first and only alpha release for Fedora 9. This ninth Fedora 
| release, which has been codenamed Sulphur, will ship in April and go 
| head-to-head against Ubuntu 8.04 LTS "Hardy Heron", but what features can one 
| expect in this forthcoming release? Among the features being worked on are 
| encrypted file-system support, updating the KDE spin to KDE 4.0, PackageKit 
| integration, and switching to upstart initialization. In this article, we are 
| taking a brief look at Fedora 9 Alpha and the features planned for Fedora 9.       


[Screenshots] Fedora 9 KDE Live Alpha

,----[ Quote ]
| With Fedora living on the front-line of Linux technologies, Fedora 9 Sulphur 
| will be shipping with KDE 4.0 as opposed to holding off until KDE 4.1 with 
| Fedora 10. With the release of Fedora 9 Alpha this morning, we've taken both 
| the GNOME and KDE versions for a test spin. While this alpha release is 
| shipping with KDE 4.0.0, and Fedora 9 final release will likely ship with KDE 
| 4.0.3, this desktop LiveCD had worked out fairly well in our initial usage 
| tests. For your viewing pleasure we've included some screenshots of Fedora 9 
| KDE Live Alpha.       


Fedora 9 Hits Beta

,----[ Quote ]
| The first Beta for Red Hat's Fedora 9 (code named Sulfur) is now out. As 
| expected it includes the latest and greatest in Linux technologies including 
| new GNOME, KDE, Firefox and Linux kernel packages.  


Tracking Linux prereleases: OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, and Fedora

,----[ Quote ]
| We often hear from readers who want to track the development process of their 
| favorite Linux distribution but don't know where to start. Budding Linux 
| enthusiasts frequently ask how the release cycles work, what the version 
| numbers mean, and what options are available for end-user testing prior to 
| official releases. The answers to those questions differ depending on the 
| distribution, but we are going to attempt to address those questions for 
| Ubuntu, Fedora, and openSUSE—three of the most prominent desktop Linux 
| distributions. We will also provide a brief visual comparison of upcoming 
| versions with screenshots of the prereleases.         


Curse Fedora everytime and everywhere, but still you will be using their
technologies in the future.

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, while having a glance to my rss feeds, what do I find ?
| "Ubuntu Gets SELinux". I quickly flew over a few more words:
| "This is the result of the amazing work of the ubuntu-security and 
| ubuntu-hardened teams." 
| Ha, there is something wrong here !


Distros Don’t Drive Development

,----[ Quote ]
| Lots of press and people focus on Linux distributions when they check out 
| what happens in Linux land. This and that distro come in new releases and 
| they offer this and that brand new feature. This is also true of the many 
| linux podcasts. They give credit to distros for new things that pop up.   


Fedora Developer Interview: KDE 4

,----[ Quote ]
| KDE 4 is seen by many to be the next big step on the free software desktop, 
| while others think releasing 4.0 in its current condition was misleading and 
| a mistake. Either way, it's an innovative release and inline with Fedora's 
| goal of providing the latest and greatest free software it is set to be the 
| default KDE environment in the next major release of Fedora. We caught up 
| with a few members of the KDE SIG to talk about the work they're doing to get 
| it ready for release, their own opinions on the software and what they think 
| about the progress made by Fedora in getting over its GNOME centric 
| reputation.        


Fedora on the Final Frontier

,----[ Quote ]
| There has been a long standing rumor regarding NASA running Fedora which all 
| of us in the Fedora community have been always intrigued by. Is it true? What 
| are they doing with it there? Why don't they run RHEL. Fortunately enough, a 
| couple of weeks ago, I got to experience NASA behind the scenes, first hand, 
| and hang out with the coolest members of the Fedora community, and find out 
| the answer to these questions and lots more.     


23,000 Linux PCs forge education revolution in Philippines

,----[ Quote ]
| Providing high school students with PCs is seen as a first step to preparing 
| them for a technology-literate future, but in the Philippines many schools 
| cannot afford to provide computing facilities so after a successful 
| deployment of 13,000 Fedora Linux systems from a government grant, plans are 
|               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| underway to roll out another 10,000 based on Ubuntu.    


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