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Re: [News] [Rival] Finland Selling Out to Microsoft Was an 'Inside Job'

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Prime Minister's former aide arranged Microsoft donation to Finnish
> schools
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Mikko Alkio, the new State Secretary at the Ministry of Employment and
> | the
> | Economy, who had previously served as aide to Prime Minister  Matti
> | Vanhanen (Centre), was a key instigator of a donation from Microsoft of
> | computer software to Finnish schools.

"Hello" lied the politician!

He has elected himeself to the laughing stock of the management world.
There is more software and better software in the
open source world than what this politician
had arranged with micoshaft corporation!!!

> |      Alkio was still working as manager for information society
> |      relations at Microsoft a couple of weeks ago when Prime Minister
> |      Vanhanen visited the United States.
> |      During his US visit, Vanhanen met with Microsoft Chairman Bill
> |      Gates, who promised Finnish schools a free package of the Windows
> |      Live@edu service platform.
> `----
> http://www.hs.fi/english/article/Prime+Ministers+former+aide+arrange
> Microsoft employees spreading the poison from the inside, as usual.
> Novell, Yahoo, XenSource, Nokia...
> It's part of broader corruption, with a chair at Findland being
> fired/pressured out for not locking the OOXML boot. Revolting.
> Related:
> ISOC.nl regrets absence of Netherlands decision on OOXML
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | This surprising result was the outcome of a lenghty discussion on
> | whether or not it was fair to those members that had submitted several
> | more controversial comments earlier that - without consensus on the
> | compromise that had been worked on for months - these comments would not
> | be included. This included some fundamental comments such as the
> | mandatory use of ISO date codes, exclusive usage of the Gregorian
> | calender (according to ISO 681), problems with intellectual property
> | rights, etc). In addition some felt that during the process they had
> | agreed on many comments to be ameliorated ('censored') in order to come
> | to that same compromise. Without that compromise they would like to
> | submit the original versions. The committee subsequently failed to get
> | consensus on sending all comments. Therefore it will now not share any
> | of its findings with ISO.
> `----
> http://isoc.nl/michiel/nodecisiononOOXML.htm

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