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[News] IONA Hands Money to Apache

IONA Extends Leadership in Open Source with Sponsorship of The Apache Software

,----[ Quote ]
| IONA's commitment to Open Source software is an integral part of its 15-year 
| heritage. With a high degree of Open Source community involvement, IONA 
| supports the efforts of its developers who are members and contributors to a 
| number of ASF projects.   


The only problem is that Microsoft gets close to IONA and tries to get cosy
with Apache, which its unable to beat even with soft bribery and the most
abusive of Munchkins.


Social-networking site keeps Apache atop Web server market

,----[ Quote ]
| Research firm says open-source software extended lead over Microsoft's IIS in 
| February 


Apache increases market share in web server survey

,----[ Quote ]
| Netcraft's web researchers counted 155,583,825 sites in January, which is 
| 354,000 more than in December.  


Apache gains Yahoo! sponsorship 

,----[ Quote ]
| Yahoo! has become a platinum sponsor of the Apache Software Foundation, which 
| supports the Apache web server and other open source projects. 


2007 earns Apache more feathers in its cap

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source and all-volounteer group, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), 
| today announced that last year finished as its strongest yet. Not only does 
| this indicate just what most already know - that open source is growing from 
| strength to strength - but also that it doesn’t take big money and a 
| for-profit attitude for this to happen.    


Apache gains market share

,----[ Quote ]
| Anyway, in the November statistic Apache grew by 3% (1.29% active sites) 
| while IIS lost 1.29% (1.05%). There is no explanation given by Netcraft and 
| there has been no big news about any change of some big host or something 
| similar (these percent points equal millions of sites!). So this might be 
| just a statistical disturbance - or indeed a change of direction. Time will 
| tell.     


Open Source Fights Back

,----[ Quote ]
| Question: The OpenSourceParking.com announcement cites a Netcraft
| report, which found that GoDaddy.com's migration from Linux to Windows
| caused Apache to lose server share. Was this event the sole impetus
| for OpenSourceParking.com?
| Perens: Not the first. It's part of a continuing behavior pattern by
| Microsoft that I think it's fair to call "dirty fighting." GoDaddy was
| using Apache (I assume on Linux) because it was a great technical
| solution. They didn't switch to IIS on Windows Server 2003 for any
| technical reason. The switch was accompanied by a press release by
| GoDaddy, containing Microsoft promotional language. Now, I've changed
| many servers from one thing to another, but I've never made a press
| release about it. GoDaddy wouldn't be doing that unless Microsoft had
| offered them something valuable in return. There has been talk in the
| domain business that Microsoft has been offering the large domain
| registries a wad of cash to switch their parked sites. There is no
| other reason to do this than to influence the Netcraft figures.


Open source rising

,----[ Quote ]
| Apache, the world’s numero uno Web server, is going strong. As per Netcraft’s 
| December 2007 survey, Apache has close to 50% of the market with Microsoft’s 
| IIS coming second with almost 36%. The contender to watch here is Google 
| which is increasing its market share (now 5.5%) unlike all the other players 
| which are seeing slow declines.    
| Talking of Netcraft, it has a rather interesting search that lets you find 
| out what OS any site is running and it lists download.microsoft.com and 
| search.microsoft.com as running Linux. Strange, if true.  


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