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Re: RIAA for Congress: File Sharing to Be Treated Like Paedophila

Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:33:22 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

____/ Darth Chaos on Friday 18 April 2008 05:51 : \____

On Apr 17, 6:59 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
____/ Darth Chaos on Thursday 17 April 2008 21:43 : \____

On Apr 17, 7:23 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Senator: Let's monitor P2P for illegal files
,----[ Quote ]
| The software, dubbed "Operation Fairplay," was developed two years ago
| by Special Agent Flint Waters in the Wyoming Attorney General's Office,
| who, by Biden's description, is considered an expert in the field. The
| application is currently being used by all of the regional Internet
| Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces nationwide and
| internationally, Waters told the panel.
Paedophiles... terrorists... suspects of copyright infringements (MPAA
calls them "criminals" and "pirates")... all in the same pool.
It's an excuse for the criminal government - and yes, the U.S. federal
government is run by criminals - to use the Military Commissions Act
of 2006 to secretly arrest and secretly execute file sharers. Just
being SUSPECTED of being a terrorist is enough for you to disappear
without a trace.
Does it mean that some members of the Federal Government can disappear
 without a trace? :-p
You should know by now that the federal government is above the law.
Whose law? "Theirs" or "Ours". "Us" or "Them"?

Well I can't say for where you live but where I live, USA, the Constitution
starts with "We the people......."

Yes, it does... but it doesn't work that way. Congress is above the law for the common man, and rich people can very often get away with murder.


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