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Re: [News] The Linux-based GP2X Reviewed by Ars Technica

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Emulation station: GP2X F-200 gaming handheld reviewed
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| A long-time gaming buddy of mine hipped me to this system a few months back, 
>| and I have to admit I was skeptical at first because he is prone to a bit of 
>| hyperbole when it comes to things he owns and I don't. But, after spending 
>| some quality, hands-on time with the GP2X F-200, I have to say that my 
>| friend's assessment was spot on: this is a quality handheld and well worth 
>| the $170 price tag for the emulation capabilities alone. In my mind, the 
>| multimedia functionality offered on the GP2X is just icing on the electronic 
>| cake.          
> `----
> http://arstechnica.com/reviews/hardware/gp2x-review.ars
> The GP2X is no longer alone in this area. Alternatives are Linux-based as well.

My lads still use their GP2Xs on a pretty much daily basis.  Overall,
they spend more time watching video (mythtv!) and playing MP3s (CD
collection) than anything else, but even so, they remain highly popular.
Last trip with with No1 son's school skiing trip to Utah last week.

| mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk                           |
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